The Pacific

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"Donnie, it's okay."

April sat down next to him, rubbing her hand on his back.

Don turned his head and looked at her beautiful face.

"I'm sorry Donnie. This is all my fault."

April stopped rubbing Don's back and starred up at the sun.

Don didn't feel like saying anything.

It feels like she was the cause of all of this madness, but is it her doing?

"I had these dreams of you ever since we meet that night. And the more I slept, the clear it was that you would kill everyone you cared about without knowing. And I was always in the center of the madness."

Don saw a tear run down her face.

"Then when I meet Casey, the dreams became real. You weren't you. You were something else, someone else. And it was because me it was getting stronger."

April covered her face in her knees, having ice cold tears heat the burning sand.

"So I kissed Casey in front of you"

"So what?"

April looked at Don with her tears running down her freckle cheeks faster.

"So you think I didn't love you. So you would stop this madness. But it got worse. Everything got worse."

Don was about to rub off her tears, but April scooted back and stood up. Don stood up and took a step forward.

Don't go.

"Donnie I'm sorry, but I wished we never meet. I wished you would leave me alone!"

Then April stormed off, away from Don.

"Don't leave me again."

Then Don remembered the they meet. Then after that things went down hill.

"Maybe we shouldn't have meet. Maybe I should have never listen to Raph. But that doesn't mean I have to stop trying."

The Don changed and flew to the skies.

Time to find the ocean.

Don looked left then right. He flew forward then saw the blue ocean.

Please don't be a morash.

He flew to the ocean and smiled.

It's real, it's so amazing.

Don turned around and flew back to everyone.

He landed by Kati.

"We are not far from the ocean come one."

Don turned and ran up the sand dune. When he got to the top he looked behind. Everyone didn't move.

"Come on!"

Don ran back down.

"Why are you just standing there?"

"Change back real quick."

Don looked at Emily confused but did it anyway.

"Your eyes, they're glowing red."


TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora