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  The lights went on and Don opened his eys.

He looked to see if they chained him or if he was on a metal table. But he was on the floor, with no chains, no shock collar of some kind, no later guns pointed at him, nothing.

I thought they would at lest put a shock collar on me.

'Why do you think they would put a shock collar on you?'

Don't know, I'm just thinking out side of the box.

Don stood up and looked around seeing nothing but blackness.

Have you been here before?

But Takashi didn't answer.


'I have. Go forward.'

Don didn't asked why, and went forward.

Seconds past and then Don saw a window. He went in front of it and looked inside. What he saw brought a chill down his spin.

"Is that..."

'They kept it.'

"Your body."

On the other side of the window was Takashi, the black wings, spikes along his back, the long tail, the short snout, black scales.

Don touched the window, seeing that the body was in a glass tub, with ice  inside.

"That's messed up."

'I can be alive again, in my own body again. I can be myself again.'

"You like what you see?"

Don turned around and saw Shredder.

Don took a step towards him.

"What is going on?"

Shredder walked by Don's side and looked into the window.

"The Kranng kept his body, just in case he would come back."


"That will never happen."

Shredder looked at Don.

"Will it Takashi."

"It's Donatello."

Don started to show his teeth that were begining to sharpen.

"I know, but it's never you making the dicision, Takashi is playing you."

"You don't know anything."

"Or do I, the Kranng told me about his past. He is using you. Just like everyone else."

Don stepped back, covering his teeth and looking at the ground.

'That's not Don.'

Don looked at Shredder.

"What else did they say?"

TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)Where stories live. Discover now