The Bright Light

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  Don then kicked Shredder in the chest but Shredder acted like a statue and didn't move, then grabbed his foot.

"I can still fight you when you are invisible."

"Then let's make things harder."

Don forced himself to make his heart stop, that was when he brought his foot back to the ground and ran right through Shredder and down the hallway.

Exit, exit, exit.

"Come back here Don!"

Those words dug into his brain, causing a burning fire to roar unbelievable amount of pain.

Don stopped immediately and fell to his knees, falling through the floor into another hallway while holding on to his cloak.

His heart started to beat again and slammed on the floor, causing a boom sound to echo throughout the halls.

Stop, make it all stop.

Don curled up in a ball, with part of his tail on his head.

'Don you have to keep going.'

I can't, my back is still flowing blood, my brain is...blazing, my arm as a deep cut and I am weak, I am pathetic.

'DON'T SAY THAT! YOU ARE SMART AND A FIGHTER AND YOU WILL FIGHT ON SO YOU CAN DO RIGHT IN THE WORLD, A CHANCE THAT NO ONE LET ME HAVE...I have been tortured and mind controlled so many times, and I let them. I...Isamu should have done something. It's all his fault everyone I cared about is dead.'


Don couldn't think anymore, because this was the first time Takashi just revealed how Hoshi died, how his daughter died, and he blamed it on his old self.

'So get up.'


Don moved his legs and rolled over, onto his belly. Then he flattened out his hands and started to push himself.

Moments later Don's arms started to shake, his blood started to go warm and his bones felt like jello.

'Come on Don.'

Don moved his legs under himself for more support.

The shaking didn't stop.

Seconds later Don is breathing heavy, feel his vains on fire, his bones blazing, skin melting.

"The pain...I...I can't."


Don moved his legs so his feet were on the ground, pushing himself to stand, grabbing his cloak and putting it on.

When Don stood straight up, his legs shook, but not as bad as his arms.

Don lend on the wall next to him.

'Okay, now go forward.'

Don started to walk, keeping a hand on the wall to help him balance.

Then loud foot steps came from behind.

", th...the...they are com...coming."

'You have to run.'

Don feel on the wall, hit his arm with the cut.

"No I...I can't."

'Don you can. Can, can, can.'

Don pushed himself off the wall and walk, then slowly started to jog, then started to run.

'Go left, then right.'

Don did as Takashi said with no questions asked.

'Go right again, then walk through the door.'

Don turned right and stopped.

There was a door with two Kranngs at the door up ahead.

How can I fight them.

'Just walk and don't hesitate,I will do my part now.'

Don started to walk, pulling the hood over his head.

As he neared the door and the Kranngs, he felt himself turning cold and his heart slowed down dramatically.

The Kranng turned and face him, but they didn't shoot.

Are we...

'Yes, but if they took a picture of us or a video, they will see us.'

But they can see through the robot head.

'Yes but they're no cameras, it's different.'

Then Don was at the door and stepped right through and on the other side was a bright yellow light up high. And the was amazing, it made Don's heart beat faster, and his body felt nice and warm.

'Let's go.'

Don walked again, feeling happy, digging his feet into the warm, soft, tiny pebbles.

Don looked up and smiled at the bright light.

"Nice to see you again."

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