The Welcome Party

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Kati looked back at Don and Don looked at Kati.

"I'm so sorry."

"About what?"

A tear fell down her face. Her bangs covered her eyes.

"I wish I could tell you."

Don put his head on her shoulder.

"You can tell me Kati."

Kati moved her bangs at looked at Don's red-brown eyes.

"But he'll hear it."

Then Kati walked out of the door, leaving Don alone.

'Well she is b*tch. Does think I'll kill her if I know?'

That's the reason Takashi, or maybe something else.

Then Don looked back out the window, seeing land forming as the sun peeks out of the clouds. Also something else.

Don stepped closer and saw a five small dots moving fast in his direction. Then Don realised the dots were F-14 Tomcats.

"The Navy, shit."

Don changed into Takashi's form and flew out the broken window and headed straight for them.

Takashi don't come out at all got it.

'Come on, I want...'

To kill, now shut up.

Then they fired there bullets and Don took a deep breathe and blow fire, melting the bullets at once.

As soon as he stopped the nose of the plane nearly hit his head, so he dived to the ocean.

The further down he went, the louder the F-14 Tomcats got.

Almost there.

Then around five thousand feet, the planes started to pull up.

Don looked behind and saw two, then they flew up and shot out a heat sinker missiles.

Don smiled.


He looked down and extended his wings as fast as he could nearly hit the ocean, hearing a big spalsh behind him.

Don looked up and saw a F -14 Tomcat ubove him.

There you are.

Don face his back on the ocean's crystal surface and grabbed the belly of the plane.

Come on, pull up.

After a while Don could hear what the man was talking about in the cotpit.

"It looks like the missals hit him. He is down over."

Then there was a pause.

Please take the bait. Come on.

Then Don heard words.

"Roger that."

Then the F-14 Tomcat pulled up and headed for land.

A ice cold flowed throughout Don's body like a wave a relief.

Wait the ship.

Don looked around and eventually saw the ship getting boarded the docks.

Then Don started to slip.

TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora