Entering Chaos

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  They have been walking all day with no rest and when the sun touched the horizon, Emily collapsed in front of Don.

Don reached out his hand but she didn't take it, she got up by herself.

"Don if you think I have forgotten what happened when we meet, I didn't."


"I'm sorry about that, but...well you...never mind."

Kati started to giggle when she stopped at Don's right side.

"What's so funny?"

Kati looked into Don's eyes.

"Your brothers said you stutter when you talked to girls. I thought they were wrong until now."

Don felt his cheeks getting warmer.

Stop blushing.

Don noticed that Kati was laughing hard and Emily started to laugh. Don looked at Sarah and only saw a small smile.

The warmth of his cheeks stopped.

That reminds me of...

Then Sarah slowly turned into a mutant with a blue mask.

He smiled but never laughed.

Then he shook his head and faced the direction of the Kranng hideout area.

He saw the puddle of water.

We are getting close.

"Drink up guys."

Three walked to the puddle and drank, but Don didn't. He went to the top of a sand dune and looked at the direction they were going.

Don heard foot steps coming from behind.

It must be Emily, or Kati.

But the girl who sat down next to him was Sarah, looking in the same direction.

"So their over there."Sarah hugged her legs."I miss him so much."

A tear fell down her face.

What am I sopposed to do now?

"Don't worry, we are just about four more miles away."

Sarah stood up.

"Then let's keep going."

She started to walk, so Don called Emily and Kati over and they walked.


The moon was gone from the sky, just the stars.

They walked and walked, but they made it.

The land down on the top of the sand dune, looking at the metal door.

"What's the the plan?"

Emliy poled out three ninja stars, each in between her fingers. Sarah pulled out a tessen and Kati pulled out a chigiriki.

Maybe I could use my instability and going through objects as an advantage.

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