Going Back

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Don stayed on the cool sand, starring at the stars. Feeling the sand on his legs feeling like ice, his wings almost seem like they didn't exist.

I wished it was always quiet like this.

Then Don sat up, changing back to his 'real' self, starring at everyone that are now starting to stand up.

But there's... But home was quiet at times. It was the only place where I, no, where everyone was safe.

Don stood up and walked to April, which was about two yards away from him.

April was about to stand up until she saw that Don was right in front of her. She looked up and looked at his red-brown eyes and starred right back at her soft blue eyes, and her cute freckles and her smile.

Don did a small smile and pulled his hand out.

"Let's go home."

April to his hand and stood up, with a bigger smile.

"I like that."

As Don let go her hand, he noticed that his arm had black up to his elbow.

Let's go home before time is up.

Don looked up at the stars.

North star, North star where are you. There you are.

Don found a star that stood out the most and looked to his right.

"This way, let's go."

"Where are we going?"

Don turned around and starred at Sarah.


Sarah closed her eyes and relaxed her hands. When she opened them she looked calm and happy with her poker face.

"How are we going to get there D?"

Don looked at Raph.

I'm going to regret this.

"We are going to fly. Have a problem."


Don turned back around and changed.

"Get on."

Don felt a couple of people getting on him, but April and Kati had to be carried.

Then Don took off into the sky.


The sun stung it's heat hard, making Don sweat a lot.

"Where is the fucking ocean? No wait, just fuck the ocean."

"Shut up Raph, this isn't going to help anyone."

"Shut up Leo, you are just as bad as D."

"Why does it matter to you? You didn't even try to help me."

Please someone shut them up.

Then Don felt someone slipping.


Then Don got a breeze on his back. Then someone grabbed his ankle.


Don stopped flapping his wings and started gliding to the ground as fast as he could.

As the ground came closer, Don could hear Sarah whispering to Leo.

"Leo I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I accidentally touch Don with my bare hands, but nothing happened. But..."

"But what?"

"I saw Takashi doing something, I can't tell you know, later."

Don landed on the ground and everyone collapsed to the ground except Don.

What did Sarah see Takashi doing?

Don then remembered about Emily falling off of him. So he walked to her and sat down next to her. Mikey was hugging her and saying that she was okay.

"What happened?"

"She fell, I caught her. But that's not important to you now is it."

Don was shocked.

Why would he say that?

Then Don felt his spikes on his back grow bigger.

Then Don walked away and found a spot were no one was at and sat down with a tear falling from his face.

"I don't have time to be me. I have time to be someone else. And that scares me that I will be gone soon. I might not even see my child being born. But we are going home, I'm going home."

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