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A/N: You guys went crazy last chapter, haha! Love you all x

. . .


"So your mum-"

"Which one?" I ask quickly.

Harry holds up the letter. "This one," He looks down at it. "She's your genuine mother? This isn't some scam?"

I shake my head. "It's the truth,"

I felt like I had been in bed for years, I'd wake up, take Sienna to school and get back into bed again. Harry was home a few hours after I called him, he had literally taken the first flight out.


"What do I do?" I was laying on my side watching him read the letter over and over.

"I don't really know, what you feel is right,"

"None of this is right," I shake my head. I lay on my back and look up at the ceiling. "My whole life is just.. messed up,"

"Don't say that-"

"My family aren't even my family, you can't even stand to be around me and Sienna doesn't even need me anymore." I sigh. "I'm useless,"

Harry bites his lip. "Harper, I love you. I'm in love with you, we both know that. Me and you fighting doesn't make my love lessen, I will always love you and only you, sure I may not show it, and I may act like a complete and utter arsehole - which I have done and I apologise, but you need to know that there is nothing and no one who could make me love you any less. Whenever you need me, I will be here. That, I can promise."

With that speech I cried. I cried because I'd missed him, cried because that's all I'd been wanting to hear these past few weeks, cried because I was pregnant, cried because I hadn't told him yet.. it was all too much.

"I love you Harry Styles,"

"And I love you Harper,"

. . .

The following day I was feeling better, Harry and I took Sienna to school, Harry went to the gym and I went for a jog.

Arriving home, Harry had made us a brunch which surprised me. "Thanks for this, I'm just going for a quick shower,"

He nods kissing me and tapping my bum playfully as I walked away.

Looking at my phone after I came out if the shower I saw that I had multiple texts and missed calls from my mum and siblings - my adopted ones. I ignored them and headed downstairs to sit with Harry.

"So," Harry started. "I was talking to the boys,"

I nod cutting into my French toast.

"And I talked to them about us getting married,"

I frowned. "What?"

"Us, me and you."

"I.. I thought you didn't want to get married," I try to figure out what he's saying.

"I didn't two years ago, but now.. I'm older, wiser, and I know you're the only person I want to be with,"

I smile.

"I know I haven't proposed or anything but, what do you say?"

I nod. "We should start to think about it,"

He smiles. "I have so many ideas for what we could do, where it could be,"

I nod and smile in all the right places, but I didn't feel into it. I had too much going on; work, Sienna, managing a house, being pregnant, my family - adopted family, now Harry wants to get married.

Is this my life now? Constantly trying to deal with stress? Making sure everyone is happy all the time?

. . .

Later that evening I was sat with Sienna watching tv when my phone rang.

"Hello Samantha,"

"Hi, how are you feeling?"

"Fine," I mumble. Harry was in the kitchen working on something. I'd told him to go to his office but he didn't want to be far from food and drink supplies.

"LA Models want you to fly over next week. They have three bookings for you, is that okay? Can you do that?"

"Erm," I think for a minute, Sienna can't just go to my mums - Helena's anymore. "I'm going to have to get back to you, I'll struggle with child care,"

Samantha sighs. "You really need to get a nanny."

Even though I hated the thought of someone else bringing up my child, a nanny would be so helpful. Especially with the new baby coming along.. Sienna would need extra attention. "Do you think I should put an advert out?"

"Wait, you agree with me?" Samantha was as shocked as I am.

"Yeah, I'm going to need one. But with LA next week.. I'll just have to bring her with me,"

"Okay. Do you want me to do anything in terms of the nanny thing?"

"No, it's okay. I'll put out an advert or something, thanks Samantha."

"No problem, bye Harper."

I sigh putting my phone down and stroke Sienna's forehead. She giggles at something in the film looking up at me.

"That's funny isn't it mummy?"

I nod looking down at her, her beautiful green eyes, the mirror reflection of me. I only ever wanted to do good by her, and I hope I was. "Yeah, it is." I agree, kissing her forehead.

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