Last Chapter.

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A/N: I know some of you may be upset that this is the last chapter but it feels right for me, plus I don't think this could go continue for much longer anyway! The epilogue is going to be awesome so be excited :)

Enjoy xxxx

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"I look okay?"


"Are you sure?"

"A hundred percent,"

"The hairs okay?"

"You look stunning,"

I had been anxious all morning, I think Harry was hiding his frustration because he knew it would only worry me more.

Sienna was waiting patiently as I tied my sandals. "I'm nervous," I admit standing straight, checking myself in the mirror for a final time.

"I know you are, but you'll be perfect. I promise."

. . .

The drive really wasn't that long, or maybe it was and I just felt it was so short because I wanted it to take longer.

Harry listened to the sat nav and we drove up to a huge set of gates. When I rang the buzzer it was answered immediately. "Hi Harper! Saw you on the camera, drive through."

The gates opened and I was somewhat shocked, Harry gave a low whistle as we drove up the drive and Sienna had no idea what was going on so she asked question after question.

The house was a mansion. The drive-way alone could probably fit my old house on it four times. Water features, gardeners, and let's not pretend there isn't five cars lined up.

Who are these people?

"Is this a dream?"

Harry laughs as we park up beside a very clean looking Rolls Royce, I could see my reflection in it.

We walk along the gravel and head for the door, my hand in Harry's, Sienna running along in front.

Before we can get to the steps of the house the door opens and a lady with beautiful long blonde hair opens the door and I knew instantly.

That's my mum.

I don't know what it was about that moment, what I was feeling or.. anything. There was just a connection, something I had never felt with Helena back home. I had her eyes and her smile was just like mine.

"Harper," She smiles, arms out.

I walk into them and hug her. "Hi,"

She pulls back and there's tears in both of our eyes.

I wipe my tears as she does hers and I step back. "This is my daughter Sienna, and my boyfriend Harry."

Harry steps forward and kisses her cheek with a "lovely to meet you Mrs Whitehead,"

Sienna becomes extremely shy and hides behind me. I tell her it's okay but she continues to hide making us all laugh.

We walk in and we're shown to the dining table.

"My husbands just fetching wine from the cellar, he's brought up white but I don't know if you drink red so I've sent him to get some,"

I nod. "Thank you,"

After that we're joined by two others; my brother and sister - Chris and Leyla.

Leyla is beautiful, I was never told her age but I'd say around 19/20, I already knew Chris was 13 from a letter Florence had sent me.

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