Twenty One

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A/N: Quick question; - after Baby Face is done, would you like me to do a book of random one shots of Harper and Harry? Like teenage Sienna etc?

I wouldn't update them often because I will then be focusing on my other story 'Time' but would you still like a little piece of H&H? Haha?.. Let me know!

(Thank you to @MargoTaylor for sending me this photo btw)

Enjoy xxxxx

. . .


Dear Harper,

Helena gave me your address, I hope you don't mind - it's just that you never responded and although I understand I would just like to write you another letter.

A letter of apology - I apologise for the confusion you must be feeling, this is no easy subject, nor is it ever going to be.

Your brother and sister have both been angry at your father and I, angry for letting you go, for not telling them until recently.. it's a tough time, for you and me.

I'm sure now that you're a mother yourself, you know that you do everything you can for your children, you do what's right - or what you think is right by them.

That's what we were doing for you.

I pray for you every day, and I have a photo album of just you beside my bed. Helena would send me photos every so often to keep me updated like birthdays, sports days, ballet awards etc..

I bought Elle last week, I saw you were on the cover again and I couldn't resist, I have a lot of magazines with you on - I sound like a stalker but it's how I keep happy I guess.

I also wanted to write this letter to invite you here. To Calabasas. Harry and your daughter are invited too, if they wish. I would love for you to come out for however long you'd like, stay here or at a hotel - the choice is yours.

I'd just love to meet you, maybe? Even if it's just the once?

I'll leave you my email, home address and number, that way you can contact me however which way you feel most comfortable with.

All the best,

Your mother, Florence Whitehead.

I read the letter over and over until the ink bled into itself.

She was inviting me - well, us over.. to America.

I'd never thought about meeting my real family, what would that do? How would I explain that to Sienna?

I also felt anger towards my mum/Helena. She'd sent her photos throughout my childhood yet never bothered to tell me about her.

That cut deep.

Putting the letter down I shut my eyes and counted up to twenty and then back down again. A technique my therapist taught me.

"You okay babe?" Harry walked in, Sienna in tow. Both eating carrot sticks.

"I.. we've been invited to Calabasas." I hold up the letter.

Harry raises his eyebrows. "Oh,"

I scan the letter again. "I'll go," I nod. "But I can't do it alone," I admit.

Harry's face softens, I wasn't sure if it was because I was admitting I couldn't do something or if he felt sorry for me. "You know I'll be there, every step of the way,"

I smile faintly. "You'd really fly out with me?"

He nods. "No question about it, blink of an eye - anything for you. I'll look up flights, look for house rentals. Don't you worry."

"After the holiday though, okay?"

He nods. "You got it,"

"Thank you,"

He kisses my lips and smiles again. "No need to thank me,"

Sienna sat in my lap whilst Harry worked opposite us on his laptop, she was tired from school as usual.

"Mummy, this boy said he loved me today,"

Harry and I lock eyes before I look down at her now eating some cucumber. "Oh really?"

"Yeah, he said I have pretty eyes."

I feel my smile grow. "You have very pretty eyes, Sienna."

She shakes her head. "You have the prettiest mummy,"

I kiss her temple and lift her up. "Let's go get ready for bed,"

. . .

Tucking Sienna into bed I read her a bed time story, usually Harry does this but I decided to do it tonight.

After I read the story I put it back on her book shelf and turn her night light on.


"Yes Sienna," I sit beside her bed and stroke her hair as she yawns and slowly drifts to sleep.

"Do you think I'll be like you?"

"What do you mean like me?" I ask.

"Really tall and pretty, on magazines and things."

I shrug. "You can be whatever it is you want to be; a doctor, a cleaner, a train driver, a teacher, a princess.."

She smiles. "I want to be just like you," And with that she drifted off to sleep and I kissed her forehead with a little tear in my eye.

If that doesn't make you love life, then I don't know what will.

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