Twenty Two

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I do not do mornings well. I do not do well at waking up at 4am for photoshoots, or for early flights.

But this morning I was woken up by Sienna and Harry at 3am, because we're going on holiday.

"Mummy are you excited?" Sienna beams as I pour her cereal.

"I will be," I smile placing down her breakfast.

Harry carries down our suitcases before grabbing a banana. "What are you getting?"

I shake my head. "I'll eat at the airport, I'm far too tired to even think about food."

Harry pulls me into him kissing my temple as we watch Sienna happily eat her breakfast.

. . .

By 4:15 we were in a car on our way to the airport, there we would meet Gemma, Lou and Lux. We're meeting Niall in France because a) he's flying from Ireland and b) I didn't think it would be wise to have two members of One Direction in the same airport at once, one being there would be crazy enough.

As predicted even at this time in the morning, paps and fans flooded the airport.

'Where are you heading?'

'How come you're flying so early?'

'How are you now Harper?'

'Are you going on holiday?'

'Are you going to LA?'

It didn't stop until we reached our check out desk, we were then shown to our lounge and waited patiently for our flight to be called.

On the plane Sienna was good, she ate and coloured and then fell asleep. She's always been good with flying, thankfully.

Once we landed we were driven to our villa, myself, Harry and Sienna were in one room, Lou and Lux next to us, then Gemma. Niall rented an apartment close by.

"This place is beautiful," Harry had dealt with our luggage whilst I took a look around with Sienna, our room had a sea view balcony, one I was looking forward to reading a book on.

Downstairs I was blown away, a beautiful kitchen, living area.. it was magical.

Once we all freshened up, Niall arrived and we headed out to find food, the boys weren't noticed at all, we were able to enjoy our first evening with no disruption, it was probably the first time ever that I've sat with Harry and we haven't been disturbed - it was nice to just be a bunch of friends hanging out on holiday.

. . .

Sienna had been asleep for a while before Harry and I decided to get into our bed, we'd sat on the balcony watching the sun set whilst lightly talking.

"First impressions?" Harry asks as I snuggle into him.

"Breath-taking place,"

His hand softly strokes my arm. "Glad you like it,"

"I'd like anywhere, it's who you're with that's important,"

We kiss and I snuggle a little more into him before peacefully dropping to sleep.

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