Twenty Four

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Although I didn't want it to affect the holiday, I couldn't help but think about the tour, how long would he be gone for, would it be a huge world tour, why he kept it from me.

But I could only think the reason he didn't tell me was because he thought I was weak, and despite going to therapy he didn't trust my mental state enough and thought that by telling me he'd trigger me.

It was the fourth night and I really didn't want to socialise, I'd taunted myself into a dip and I could feel myself slipping away.

Harry was getting ready, Sienna was already ready and playing downstairs.

I, was in bed.

"Babe, get ready."

I turn over. "I don't feel too good, I'm staying here."

Harry sighs. "What's wrong?"

The last thing I wanted to do was put a downer on the holiday and have an argument so I bit my tongue. "Nothing, just I don't feel too good,"

"You were fine at the beach,"

Ha, fine.

"Yeah, I'm just not into it."

"Do you know how spoilt you sound?"

I was taken off guard by Harry's harsh tone so I turned over. "Excuse me?"

"This is a holiday for everyone and you're in bed because you don't feel like it?"

I remain silent.

"I think you're being incredibly selfish, Sienna wants her mum there, not here, in bed."

I swallow as the guilt flares up, but I know I'm not the one who should feel guilty here.

Instead of shouting, I calmly ask; "Why didn't you tell me about tour?"

He stops fastening his buttons and turns to look at me.

"I mean, it's in two months.. why?" I ask softly.

Harry looks down before sitting on the edge of the bed. "You've just had so much on and, then the baby.."

"Don't use that as an excuse," I point angrily at him. "This was planned months ago. Niall told me. You can't preach about me and the baby and then you hide the tour from me, that's not fair."

Harry scoffs. "Don't talk about fair Harper, you kept a child from me. How sick can you be?"

The second he said the words we both stopped and stared each other, the same question running through our heads; did he really just say that?

I get out of bed angrily throwing some shorts on.


"Sienna and I will go for dinner alone, and I will stay in the other room tonight."


"No, Harry,"

I slam the door behind me and march downstairs to Sienna who is happily eating a peach. "Come on, we're going for dinner."

I see Lou look up at me as I hurriedly hand Sienna her sandals.

'You okay?' She mouthes but I just smile back and take Sienna's hand before heading for the door.

. . .

"Is that tasty?" I smile at Sienna who finished her strawberry sorbè.

She nods licking her spoon, I'd taken at least twelve photos of the beautiful sunset, it wasn't like any other sunsets I'd seen before.

"So, when we get home, I want us to go to LA. What do you think about that?" I ask Sienna as she wipes her mouth.

"Are you working there?"

I shake my head. "There's some people there I would like you to meet.. with me."

"Are they nice?"

"I hope so,"

She shrugs. "Do you think they will let me play dolls?"

"Of course," I smile, I liked that that was the most important thing to her.


"So we go to LA?"

She nods.

I smile and sit back taking another photo of the French sunset.

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