💔😧PART 03: (He has...)😭💔

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With Bowser and Junior
Bowser and Junior waiting for Ludwig to go in the bathroom. 2 seconds later, Bowser saw Ludwig entering the bathroom. "Ok.. he just went to the bathroom, let's go in!' Bowser whispered. Junior nods, they slowly walk quietly to Ludwig's room. Bowser opens his room and walks in with his son. "Ok, I'll sent the camera up" Bowser said. He walks to see if he can find a hiding place. While Junior looks around, he looks to see if he can clues what Ludwig does. He looks in the book shelves, he looks in his drawers. He finally looks in the closet. He gasp when he saw a lot of dirty red bandages everywhere. Some fall out. "Dad, Look!" Junior called. "Son! Stop looking around, he'll think someone was in here!" Said Bowser. "But I found a lot of band-"

"Look! Whatever you found, it isn't yours. I send up the camera, can we go?" Bowser takes his hand. Junior sighs, he wanted to tell Bowser about what he saw. But he wouldn't listen. When Bowser and Junior left, they heard Ludwig come out and went to his room. "Alright... we're go to sleep and let's see tomorrow what will happen" Bowser said. Junior nods. They went to there rooms and went to sleep.

With Ludwig
He looks at his piano. Wanted to play something. But he felt like not too. He gets off his seat. He looks at his arms. Seeing there red and dirty. "I better change then... but first, I'll try it again" said. He unwraps his bandages, revealing his cuts. "They don't look that bad, but I'll try it again... maybe on my legs?" Ludwig suggested, he decided too, not having second thoughts. But before he could do anything. He saw the moonlight shine in his room. It look beautiful to him. "Mother... I wish you can see this" Ludwig smiles, seeing a shooting star. He looks away, going to his closet and getting new bandages out. He puts his old bandages into the trash. He started wrapping his new ones on his arms. "Better..." he smirks. He went on his bed, feeling his body shut down.. as he falls asleep.

The Next Day
Ludwig awoke. Seeing the sun shine in his face, he groans as he lifts the covers up to block his face. "Stupid sun...!" Ludwig mumbled, Trying to go back to sleep. But he gets annoyed and was already up. "I'm up..." Ludwig said annoyed. He sits up, rubbing his face and scratches his hair. He yawns then now. "Kids! Breakfast!" Bowser called. It startled Ludwig. "Ok ok.. calm down" he gets up from his bed. Slowly starting to prepare himself for a new Day.

When he finally fix his hair, he opens his door and walks down the hallway. "LUDDY!!" Ludwig startled, then looking over to see his brother Iggy. "Oh.. hey Iggy" Ludwig helloed. "You feeling better?" He asked. "Yeah... a bit, just got something on my mind again" Ludwig said. "Ok? I can't wait for Breakfast! Eggs are my favourite!!" Iggy runs down the hall. Ludwig sees him running. He slowly zones out again. Not seeing where he's walking, when he felt his legs trip on something. He fall as he fall down the little stairs. He yelps in pain as he groans. He was in pain on his body. "Ludwig! You ok?" Zane runs to him. "Ugh...! Yeah, I'm find..." Ludwig gets helped up by his bro. "You sure? I can Carrie you!" Zane asked. "NO! I'm find ok?" Ludwig shouts. Causing him to back off. "Alright then, let's go eat then" Zane walks off to the kitchen. Ludwig didn't mean to yell at him. He just didn't sleep well. He walks to the kitchen as well. Seeing his family eating already without him. Why? Ludwig didn't mind it. He walks to his seat. "Ah! There you are Ludwig" Bowser looks over at him. Good to see him. "Hey father..." Ludwig softy said. "Feeling better today?" He asked. "Kinda.." Ludwig replied. Bowser went confused, so he wasn't better? "So you aren't better?" Roy asked. Ludwig didn't say anything, he just kept quiet, just stabbing his fork in his food. "You should probably eat Ludwig" Morton said, "um... I-I don't feel hungry" said Ludwig softly. "Son, you haven't eaten your breakfast yesterday. You must be hungry" said Bowser. Worried for his son. "I'm not hungry for eggs or bacon.." Ludwig said. "Well.. I'm sure father could make you something else, what would you like?" Morton asked. Ludwig thinks. He suddenly zone out. He got started by himself, "Huh?" Ludwig froze. "You feeling ok bro?" Lemmy asked. He drops his fork on the ground. "Ludwig, you dropped your fork!" Iggy runs to his side, picking up the fork and putting back on the table near Ludwig's plate. "Ah... I think I lost my appetite again..." Ludwig said. Bowser sighs hard. "Well... if you want to eat it after, I want to see that plate clean" Said Bowser. "Yes Father..." Ludwig said. "Just... go get some more rest I guess..." Bowser crosses his arms. "G-goodnight..." Ludwig rushes to his room. Everyone watches him as he leaves.

"He's been like that ever since we came back. He Rarely sleeps... Barely eats... we thought we would help him if we did our plans with him" Iggy said worried. They all felt bad for Ludwig. "Does this have to do with the mission?" Asked bowser. "For the million times! YES! he keeps on always being sad and bad for himself! Like he blames himself for that sh*t!' Roy annoyed. "Don't yell at the dinner table Roy!" Bowser shouted. "I should probably check on him..." said Larry. "I'm going with you" Iggy said. the both Kooplings walk together down the hallway out of the kitchen.

With Ludwig
He shuts his door. Locking it as he didn't want no one to bother him. He sighs heavily. He hating always making excuses. Why is he feeling this way? "I can't always be like this. I need to be happy and like my old self! Always showing off and always being the brother everyone loves... it's just... I feel like this because there's something that is always in my head..." said Ludwig in his mind. He just couldn't tell what it was. "I need to do something about it..." he said. He got startled when he heard a knock on the door. "Luddy? You ok?" He heard Iggy. "We're worried about you!" Said Larry. "U-Um!- I'll be out in a minute!" Ludwig said. "No! We just... wanna talk" Iggy said. "Talk..?" Confused Ludwig. "Yeah, can you open your door?" Asked Larry. "Um... sure" said Ludwig.

"So Ludwig, what's happen? You seem always sad and... always locking yourself in your room" Larry said. "Something in your mind?" Asked Iggy. "Well... maybe, but it isn't any of your business" Ludwig said. The both look at each other. "Look Ludwig, we know you need space and you feel sad. But that doesn't mean you always need to push us away, we could help you and we're here for you!" Larry said. "Look! I know it's annoying you all! But I just always need space! Because... well.. I just wanna hide, I always embarrass myself and always showing off... maybe that's what bothering me.." said Ludwig. "Well... what do you feel?" Asked Iggy. "Just... ugh! Look, just get out...!" Ludwig annoyed. "what?" Iggy shocked, even with Larry. "I SAID GET OUT!!!" Ludwig shouts at them. He pushes them out of his room. They fall to the ground, yelping when he pushed them. He slams the door hard. Locking it. "Ow..." Larry rubs his head. "Well I guess it didn't work" Iggy said. "Yeah... we should tell the orders about it. Larry said, Iggy nods.

With the Kooplings
"He pushed you both away?" Lemmy surprised, "yeah... he said he doesn't wanna talk.. and he just told us to get out, we tried confronting him, but he just pushed us out like he meant it" Iggy said. Wendy sighs. "I don't know what's up with that dragon! He keeps pushing us away while we're trying to help him!" Wendy says. "We should tell Father!" Morton said. "Yeah.. tell him about what happen" Zane said. "If that's what you all want" Iggy said.

With Bowser and the kooplings
"Ok, tell me what happen" He said. "Well... when Iggy and Larry went to talk to Ludwig. They tried to confront him, but He pushed them out of his room. I don't know on purpose or... a accident" Morton said. "Pushed them away... hm. I need to know why he's acting like this, always locking himself in his room and the bathroom. There's just a word for it!" Bowser said. "Maybe! But how would we know?" Iggy asked. "Well... let's look on google" Bowser said. He walks down the hallway with the kooplings to his office. He sits down as he start typing on his computer. The kids watch as he looks up "what's another word for feeling sad"

When it shown. It said all about the word of sad with orders. "unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy"

The Kooplings look at the words. Bowser sees the word "Depressed" seeing that shocked him. "My words... I.. didn't know he was.. depressed" Bowser said. "Depressed? Why would he be depressed?" Iggy asked worried. "You don't know?" Roy looks at Iggy. "Well... there's probably something else that he's probably like this about..." Junior said. "Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease your ability to function at work and at home" Bowser explain "We know what depression is Father! You didn't have to explain" Roy said. "Whatever" Bowser scoffed. "Well... it he's acting really sad and always pushing us away. Then that means..."

"He has depression!"

To be Continue

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