😱PART 14: (Ludwig Meets...❓)😱

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The Next day, With Lemmy
He was with the orders. Just chilling on the couch, while Bowser was just talking to Kamek about Ludwig. He woke up from his knocked out last night. He didn't remember much, he just remembered seeing Ludwig trying to kill Roy. He was shocked seeing roy's arm stabbed with a axe by Ludwig. And seeing Iggy beating up.

He was told that Bowser was angry with Ludwig and threw him across the room. And he was beaten up bad from him. Lemmy went worried but more for his siblings like Iggy and Roy.

Bowser sighed. "Koopalings, ima make breakfast. Iggy.. go get your brother" Bowser ordered. Iggy nods.

He walks out of the room and heading to Ludwig's room. He was hoping he got his anger under control. He didn't wanna get beaten again like Roy did weeks ago.

"Luddy, it's me Iggy" Said Iggy. He knocked on the door. But only to find silent and not anything. "Hmm... it's to quiet" said Iggy sus. "Luddy?" Iggy called out again. "Is he even in there?" Iggy still sus. But slowly starting worrying.

"Luddy! I'm opening the door!' Said Iggy. When he opened the door. He saw Ludwig not in the room or anywhere. He was surprised to see Ludwig not in his room. "Luddy?" Iggy softy said. He looked everywhere and still didn't see Ludwig. "I should tell father about it..." said Iggy. But before he could do anything. He gasp in horror. Seeing blood in the middle of the floor. He was in horror but calmed down. "Yeah... I should" Iggy runs out of the room.

Running down to the hallway into the kitchen. "Father!" Iggy called out. Bowser sighs. "What is it Iggy?" Bowser turned to him. Iggy puts his hands behind his hands. Bowser's eyes eyebrows went confused.

"Where's Ludwig?" Asked Bowser. Iggy frown and kinda nervous to tell his dad. "Um... Luddy isn't in his room..." said Iggy. Bowser shocked. "What? Where is he?" He asked seriously. "I-I don't know... when I open his door, he wasn't in there" said Iggy. Bowser then got confused. "Not there..." Bowser mumbled. "Go get your brothers and sister. Meet in the planning room" Bowser ordered. "Yes Father" Iggy bow. He runs out of the kitchen and going to find his siblings. Bowser then started thinking of Ludwig. Where did he go? Did he just leave the castle that he wasn't allowed too. Bowser Sighed. He just decided to go to the planning room and have a Conversation with the koopalings.

With Bowser and the koopalings
"What is it father? You seem like you wanted to talk about something" said Larry. "And where's Luddy?" Asked Lemmy.

"Well, that's why your all here today. Iggy came to me and told me that Ludwig wasn't in his room" said Bowser. The Koopalings went confused and surprised. After hearing about Ludwig. "Where did he go?" Asked Wendy. "I don't know, but he couldn't gone far" Bowser said.

"Well.. i mean, yesterday was intense. So he may probably want space" Zane said. "Oh shut up Zane" Roy shouted at him. "What, Ludwig probably needs space I mean.. yesterday was mad" Zane admitted.

"He's probably hiding somewhere because dad beaten him up!" Larry admitted as well. "Enough!" Bowser shouted. Made the Kids stay quiet and listen to him.

"Sighs' look.. if Ludwig is not in the castle anywhere. Then I'll have have to send some guards to find him" Said Bowser. Everyone nodded of agreement. "Well... maybe I'll start making us some breakfast. And maybe around 10:40. We're start looking for Ludwig" said bowser. "Ok Dad" Larry agreed. Bowser walks off to make breakfast. "Where do you think Ludwig went?" Asked Wendy. "Not sure girl, but he couldn't have gone far" said Iggy. "Yeah. We should probably just eat and then go on a mission" said Lemmy. they all agreed.

but where did Ludwig go...?

With Ludwig:
It was such a dark place to be at. It was the only place to be at. Ludwig found it ok. He didn't wanna hurt any more people. He hurt Roy, Lemmy and even Iggy. He couldn't control what he was doing. he felt like a monster, an evil monster who didn't have Marcy. while sat there upset and depressed. his ears heard a laugh. it caught his attention. he looked around the room confused and nervous. "Wh-who's there?" Ludwig called out to the mysterious laugh. "Well Ludwig Von koopa.. I heard what happened but I never expected you to run away like that" the mysterious voice had said to him.

"Who are you? where are you?" Ludwig called out to the person. "You haven't heard of me before? It's me..." Ludwig saw a figure coming out from the darkness hallway. the figure is seen with a long dress, long hair and a crown Ludwig half seen. when the person came out from the dark. Ludwig's eyes went surprised. the person looked familiar to his dreams that he's been dreaming for a few months, just before they attacked Princess peach's castle. "It's me Ludwig, Queen Selena" Selena revealed herself to him. "Y-your that woman! from my dreams!" Ludwig said. he remembered her because she's been in his dreams for a while.

"Well isn't it me? Queen Selena. yes I've been giving you dreams about me. because I've been watching you for a very long time, and even since the day you were born" Selena explained to him. "Wh-who are you? why were you spying on me?" Ludwig asked questions to Selena. she gave a suspicious chuckle and looked down at him. "You wanna know who I am?" Selena asked. "I'm... your mother Ludwig" Selena revealed to Ludwig. he gasp when he heard that word. mother? was she really his mother? "Mother...?" Ludwig asked.

"Yes, I'm your mother Ludwig. I've been searching for you for a very long time. I couldn't even find you at all.. because there was an attack. so I had no choice but to put you in a basket and let you go, I did that to keep you safe" Selena explained to Ludwig about his and her's story and how they got separated.

"So... if your my mom, what happened to my dad?" Asked Ludwig. Selena sighed hard. "Your father... he. died while trying to protect me and you from the evil being. Fawful, he's one of the most evil humans in all of history. he tried taken you away for something I don't know about.. so your father asked me to take you and run as far as possible, he stayed back to deal with Fawful.. but unfortunately he didn't make it" Selena softly said. Ludwig stood beside her while she stayed silent.

"I... didn't know that you were my mother" Ludwig wiped his eyes. they were still red and hurt. "I missed you sooo much my son" Selena kneed down beside him and hugged him. "I finally found you... my SON" Selena tightly hugged Ludwig. he felt her arms around him. Ludwig thought again. was this woman really his son? who was she and how did she know him before he was born and after he was born? Ludwig kinda didn't really think twice. he hugged her back, he thought that maybe this was true mother. he wondered who was his father tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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