💔PART 06: (The incident!) 🖤

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Roy walks down the hallway to somewhere he could wrap this picture into a little present. He knows Ludwig would love it. He tried looking for it. But he never found it, it was like... someone or he threw it out. But why would he throw out a photo of his mom? He loved her so much. Unless... he wants the pain to leave. But Roy knows that maybe this would make him feel better.

As he walks down the hallway, he started to zone out. He didn't know where he was going at first. He suddenly bumped into someone. He gasp when he hit the ground. He gets angry already. "Ugh! Who the fu-" Roy looks at the person. It was Iggy, who was shocked. "Roy! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into!-" Roy gets up growling at Iggy. "UGHH!! IGGY YOU STUPID IDIOT!! WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING NEXT TIME!! GOD YOUR ALWAYS IN MY WAY!!" Roy almost about to hit Iggy. Who stand back. "I said I was sorry!" Iggy said. Almost about to run away. "Ugh...! Your such an embarrassment!" Roy looks down at photo. He gasp. He grabs it fast to make sure it wasn't broken. It had a crack in it. It was ok But he didn't really wanted Broken! He looks at it. To see it had a bigger crack in it. Roy gasp. His face went dark. "D-did I break it..?" Asked Iggy nervously. "Roy..?" Iggy puts his hand on Roy's shoulder. But suddenly.. he gets slap really hard by roy. He gasp and fall to the ground. He looks up at Roy. Who was angry as hell. "R-roy!?" Roy grabs him by the neck. "You DID Break it... THANKS A LOT!!!" Roy shouted angrily. Chocking out Iggy. "R-Roy!!" Iggy started crying. "SHUT UP!!!" Roy throws Iggy across the hallway. He gets up fast and almost about to run. But Roy throws the picture at him. Making the glass fall everywhere. Iggy screams in pain a lot. Why was Roy doing this!? It was just a photo. And he broke it more. He didn't even care anymore. He was mad! He walks slowly to Iggy. Seeing him trying to crawl away. But he steps on his foot. Iggy yelps, being pulled back by his brother. "ROY!! Stop! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!-" Roy slaps him. Leaving a bruise on him. "You don't have to apologize... because this is your last time of seeing the sunlight" Roy smiles like a psychopath would do. Iggy looks at his brother so scared and in fear. His nose was bloody, his hair was messy.  And he had a black eye. Roy then takes out his claw. Going to finish Iggy off. Iggy gasp and tried getting free. He screams in fear and tries to get free at once! But Roy holds his neck tightly. Making Iggy almost choked out. Before he could swing his claw at his face. He felt someone grab his hand. He startled but slowly raged. "Roy! What are yo-" Roy turns around and hits the person...

A scream and blood was heard... what happen? Who did Roy Scratch? Was it Iggy? Or... who was it?

Iggy is seen, he slowly opens his eyes. He rubs his head, groaning in pain. He rubs his nose. Seeing it blood on his hand. He gasp, but he ignored it. He looks over to see Roy. With his claw bloody and dripping. He gasp, he looks to see...

Ludwig! He gasp in horror. Seeing Ludwig on the floor, he gets up and runs to him. "LUDDY!! LUDWIG!! ARE YOU OK!?" Iggy grabs him fast. He turns him around, but when he did...

He saw a right eye all blood and lost. Iggy gasp in horror again. Seeing Ludwig's one eye gone. Well not really gone! But blind and blood right up. A big scar was seen on the eye, Right threw it. "L-L-Ludwig..?" Iggy shakes him. But he didn't respond. "Oh no...!" Iggy felt tears go down his cheek. "DAD!! ANYONE!! HELP PLEASE!!!" Iggy cries out. But suddenly, he felt Ludwig waking up. He got up fast. Iggy startled and seen Ludwig crawl away from him. He looked traumatized a lot.

With Roy. He was traumatized as well. Seeing what he had done to Ludwig. "Ludd-" Iggy hard Ludwig groaning and crying. "AHHH!!! IT HURTS AS HELL!!" He was holding his left eye. Breathing hard, almost he was having a panic attack, knowing how painful it was. "What's going on!?-" Bowser stopped. He saw Ludwig crying, and seeing Iggy all beating up and Roy just standing there. "Ludwig?! What happen? Are you ok-" Bowser stopped. Looking at Ludwig's eye. He was in horror a lot as well with Iggy. He rubs Ludwig's cheek. "IT HURTS!!!" Ludwig screams. "Shhh! It's ok Ludwig! I'll get you help!" Bowser takes his phone out. Calling Kamek. on there. Iggy gets up, looking at him worried. Roy backs up. Almost about to run away. But then..

"Roy... what. Did. You. DO?" Bowser asked angrily and pissed off. He drops his phone. "I- Father! I-I-" Roy didn't know what to say, he was scared of his father when he's angry. "Iggy. Come here, NOW!" Bowser ordered. Iggy jumps, he rushes to his Father's side. Bowser picks up Ludwig. "I'll deal with you later... right now, I'm gonna go take Ludwig and Iggy to kamek to be recovered. And we're going to have a serious TALK!" Bowser shouts. Making Roy stand back fast, all in fear because he thought he was going to get hit. But bowser turns around.. Grabbing Iggy's hand and walking with him. Ludwig in His father's hand. Crying endlessly. Bowser super worried for Ludwig. "Shhh... it's ok Ludwig, I'll make sure your eye is recovered and ok..." said bowser. Worried for him. But he got Roy in his mind. So mad and angry at him!

Roy watched his Father and brother walk away to go to Kamek. He looks down at the floor. Shocked at what he had done.

"Oh F#ck..."


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