😭PART 12: (Ludwig's Regret!)💔

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This will contain some. Blood and Angst of Ludwig.
Please skip this chapter if you don't wanna read it.

Roy had his eyes shut. He didn't know if he was shot. Was he dead? Did he feel it?

He decided to open his eyes. He still saw the floor. So he wasn't dead? Or was he? He slowly looks up. He gasp when he saw Ludwig's hand up.

Someone took his gun out of his head. It made Ludwig growl angrily. "Give my gun BACK-" Ludwig gasp. He felt his entire body freeze up, after he turned his head and seeing that Bowser had been the one to stop him from killing Roy.

He stares at his father. Seeing him real angry and staring down his him. He looks over, to see his order siblings in fear and shocked. Morton helped Iggy up. Ludwig's face went horror. He saw what he has done. He saw his youngest brother, Lemmy knocked out. Wendy hold him tight. He saw Bowser jr in fear. Standing behind the oldest sibling in the family. Zane, that was in horror too.

Roy was shocked as well. He saw his father gaze to Ludwig. Really angry and not happy at all.

"Planning room. NOW!!!!!" shouted Bowser angrily, causing some fire to flare out of his nostrils. Everyone got scared by the yell. Even Ludwig.

Bowser aggressively grabs Ludwig's Hand. Dragging him with him to the planning room. Ludwig yelps in pain. "F-Father, I didn't mean-" Ludwig began. He wanted to apologize for attacking and almost killing his brother. "SHUT. UP" Bowser growls. Making Ludwig shrink down in fear.

With Ludwig
Ludwig was thrown into the planning room, landing face-first on the floor.

"Get up. NOW!" said Bowser angrily,

Ludwig complied, quickly getting up and standing. his hands held behind his back as he looked down at the floor in shame.

The rest of the Koopalings followed. They stood behind Bowser. "Kamek!" Bowser called out. He appears. "Yes your highness?" Kamek looked up at him. "Take Prince Roy to your nurse room. His arm needs to be healed. And take Prince Lemmy too" Bowser ordered. Kamek looks over, he gasp to see Iggy, Roy and Lemmy hurt. Well, Lemmy wasn't hurt. But knocked out. He saw Roy's arm bloody. And Iggy with a kick mark on his chin. Kamek rushes to them. "Come on kids" Kamek leads them with him. Roy looks over his head. Seeing Ludwig in fear and not even moving. Roy gave a frown. But looked away. Out of the room they go.

Ludwig didn't say a word. He was too in fear. Not knowing what his father will do. But he probably needed to explain why he attacked Roy in the first place.

"F-Father, I-" Ludwig began. But suddenly... Bowser Punches Ludwig so hard that it caused him to stumble slightly, nearly falling over as he clutched the right side of his face in pain.

The other Koopalings all gasped, backing away, seeing Ludwig on the floor. Hissing in pain.

Ludwig looks up at his father. He saw the angry look in his eyes. Ludwig almost crawls away. But Bowser walks up to him. He grabs his hair. Ludwig screams in pain. Trying to get his hair free from Bowser's hand. But he was bigger.

"Don't "Father" me! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING LUDWIG!!! YOU ATTACKED YOUR OWN BROTHER!!! TRIED KILLING HIM, AND WHERE DID THAT GUN COME FROM!!??" Bowser Angrily yelled. Throwing Ludwig across the room. He hits the table and Things went flying after he was thrown. Ludwig shakes in fear. He looks up at his Father. "F-Father!-" Ludwig tried apologizing. But Bowser wasn't falling for it. He Punches the wall. causing Ludwig to flinch back and glance away.


"I'm sorry your highness!! I didn't mean to hurt my brothers!! I didn't-" Ludwig couldn't finish. Bowser was about to hit him again. But was stopped by someone.

"BOWSER!!! STOP HURTING YOUR OWN SON!!!" it was Kamek who stopped him. Ludwig looks at him. Bowser growls. "Look, Prince Lemmy is ok and Roy is ok as well. Even Iggy!" Kamek explain. "Just please... don't hurt your son" Kamek begged.

Bowser then looks at Ludwig. Seeing him in fear and a big bruise on his face. He couldn't care less. Bowser huffed and shoves Kamek out of the way. He stomps out of the room. Leaving the Koopalings and Kamek alone. He rushes towards Ludwig. "Prince Ludwig, are you alright?" He knees down beside. He saw that bruise taken over the face. "I'll have that healed. Come on" Said Kamek. Helping Ludwig up. But he couldn't, it was like his Leg was broken? "Is your leg broken?" Asked Kamek.

"N-No... it just hurts" said Ludwig, Wiping his tears away. "Ok.. com'on" Kamek helps Ludwig walk. All he can do is limp. The Koopalings back up. Seeing there brother hurt and limping. Larry couldn't but feel bad. They watch there older brother walk out of the room with Kamek.

"Ludwig..." Morton softy said. He crosses his arms. Wendy looks down at the floor. Larry did too.

Suddenly. Someone was in the window. Watching the whole Time. They chuckled softly. Seeing what happen to Ludwig. They slowly walk away.


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