💔PART 07: (Roy's regret!)😭

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With Ludwig and the orders
Iggy was sitting on a hospital bench. He had bandages on his head and band-Aids on him. His nose was clean. His hair was fixed. He was just silent, not saying anything. He was thinking about what happen. Roy just attacked him! When he accidentally bumped into him. He didn't expect Roy to get that angry and just beat him up. He even hurt Ludwig! Scratched his eye! Making him bleed out and get into the hospital. He looks to his left, seeing his older brother on the bed. Passed out and breathing. With the monitor beeping, and a oxygen on Ludwig's mouth. And then a bandage on his right eye. Kinda bloody because it was still being recovered. Iggy frown, seeing his bro in the hospital. Why would Roy do that? Why would he just out of nowhere hurt him and Ludwig. Well, he didn't mean too. We seen how shocked he was and it was a accident. But still... he made a huge mistake. He can't go back and stop himself from doing that.

Iggy looks over, to see his father and Kamek talking about Ludwig's eye. "He's ok, he's still alive and still here. But his right eye is... Gone" Kamek revealed. Bowser and Iggy shocked. About what Kamek said. "What do you mean Kamek?!" Bowser asked. "The scratch that Prince Roy done to him was really deep. It made his eye almost come out and that's why it look crooked and his eyesight didn't follow where he looks" said Kamek. "So.. what does this mean?" Asked Iggy. "It means that... Ludwig lost his right eye and he only has one eye to see in" Kamek said.

Bowser frown, his face went dark. He goes and punches the wall. Iggy startled by it, Kamek too. "He's in so much trouble..." Bowser Darkly said. Pissed right off as hell. Like his eyes almost went red of anger. He calms down as he sighs. He walks to Ludwig. He holds his hand. He bends down. Kissing Ludwig's forehead. He almost Teared up. But he wipes them away. "Iggy..." Bowser walks to him. "Y-Yeah Father?" Iggy looks up at him. Bowser knees down. "Tell me what happen, how did this started?" Asked Bowser, looking in Iggy's eyes. He takes a deep breath. Iggy soon started explaining.

With Roy
He was outside of the hospital room. He was hearing Iggy's voice. He knew he f*cked up a lot. But he thought it was Ludwig's fault for getting in the way. He knows his father is gonna punish him. And his 2 brothers won't forgive him. No one will when they hear the news. Roy sighs softly. He started walking down the hallway to his room.

With the 4 Koopalings
The 4 were in the planning room, hanging out. "Hey, have any of you seen Roy, Iggy, Ludwig or... Dad?" Asked Larry. Morton, Wendy and Lemmy looked at him. They shake there heads of no. "I'm getting worried" said Larry. "Me too" Lemmy agreed. Morton and Wendy look at each other. "Hey guys..." Iggy walks in. Everyone looks at him. They gasp to see him all Bandaged up and band aids on him. "Iggy! What happen!?" Larry runs to him. Iggy sighs. "Roy happen..." his eyes look away mad. "What did he do?" He asked. "He..." Iggy cuts himself off. But he needed to tell them.

"He got Luddy in the nurses room..." Iggy finally said. Everyone gasp. "What!? Ludwig's in the nurses room!? HOW?" asked Wendy, shocked and now worried. "Well..." Iggy's mouth started moving. He told his siblings about what happen to Ludwig and his eye. Everyone were shocked in horror. They didn't know how to believe it or not...

With Roy.
He was in his room. Thinking as his claws made noise. He was thinking about Ludwig and his regret. He was planning on apologizing to him and to his family. But suddenly, he heard his door open. He looks and to see his father standing threw the door way. "F-Father!?" Roy stood up, bowing his head. Bowser didn't say anything. But he walks in and shuts the door hard. "Dad...?" Roy looks up at him. Kinda nervous what he was gonna do. Bowser walks closer to him. Roy backs up. Kinda scared. "Fath-" before Roy could say anything. Bowser slapped him so hard that it caused him to stumble slightly, nearly falling over as he clutched the right side of his face in pain. Roy yells his pain, holding his cheek as he felt a bruise coming.

"F-Father, I-" began Roy, about to apologize for what he did. but the Koopa King growled, causing him to flinch back and glance away.

"That's 'your highness', to you! I can't believe you beating up your brother and got your OLDER BROTHER IN THE NURSE ROOM!!! YOU JUST MADE HIM LOOSE HIS RIGHT EYE!!! LUDWIG NOW CAN'T SEE THREW HIS RIGHT EYE AND ONLY HIS LEFT EYE!! WHAT THE F#CK IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!???" Bowser angrily shouted, almost everyone could hear him. He was glaring down at the older Koopaling. "I-I'm sorry Father! It was accident! I was meant to hit!-" bowser scratches Roy's cheek. Making him shout in pain again. He holds his cheek, seeing blood in it. "YOU DON'T HIT YOUR SIBLINGS!! YOU COULDN'T EVEN CONTROL YOUR ANGER!!"

"you just let it get the best of you..." Bowser backs up. Given Roy a angry look. Roy looked at his father in fear and pain. Feeling his heart beat a lot. "I'm sorry...!" Roy apologized. "Oh.. don't apologize to me.. APOLOGIZE TO YOUR BROTHERS!!!" Bowser scoffed angry away. Slamming the door hard and walking down the hallway. Roy could only look down at the ground in shame. He knew he deserved this. He had been punished...


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