chapter 7

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It was the day after the open house at kouh and we can find murayama, Irina, seras and y/n training in the clearing behind the orc building when a scream was heard. The four vampire's looked at each other and shrugged before walking towards the building to find xenovia chasing a crossdresser around the building. "You better hurry or else you'll end up as durandal's next victim!" Y/n walks over to Issei and aisa. "So what is going on jolly wally." Issei scowls at his cousin but shakes his head. "Training out other bishop oh and he is a vampire as well." Y/n raises a eyebrow before walking up to the gasping vampire. "So your a vampire?" The small boy looks up and nods. "Yes." Y/n sighs and runs a hand through his hair. "You're weak how much blood have you drunk?" The boy shook his head. "I don't like to drink blood makes me feel like a monster." Seras the walks up. "Well do you sleep in a coffin lined with the soil of your birth place?" Once again the boy shook his head. "You have been weakening yourself that is way you have no control over your abilities. Come let's get you some thing to drink and what is your name?" Y/n asked and the boy replied that his name was Gasper and that he didn't want to hurt people. Y/n ran a hand through his hair as seras blinked. "So this is how sir integra felt when I refused to drink."

Y/n held up one hand. "Ok one this hand you come with us and get something to drink to bring your strength up and you can properly utilize your vampiric abilities...." Y/n said before holding him his other hand. "Or you can try and control the gear and end up forcing your body to weaken the long you go with out blood."  Y/n says bluntly as Gasper flinches but choose to remain with the devil's and attempt to take the fruitless path but y/n turned away leaving some parting words. "Very well then but you will one day bare your fangs and drink till I have nothing to say to one who is ashamed to call themselves Nosferatu." Gasper flinches again as he runs over to  Issei. "Come on cousin he is still a kid." Y/n turned his head and Issei glupped at y/n's glowing red eyes. "You all baby him that is why." Y/n marches away with murayama and Irina followed him. "Sir are you sure that was a good thing to say?" Irina asked as y/n shrugged. "One must never second guess themselves because that will get you killed." Y/n said before yawning. "Anyway I'm heading home it's exhausting being awake during the day."


Y/n and seras were in sitting in front of the three faction leaders as Rias was reading her report y/n leaned into Seras ear and whispered to the point only she could hear

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Y/n and seras were in sitting in front of the three faction leaders as Rias was reading her report y/n leaned into Seras ear and whispered to the point only she could hear. "Is this how sir Integra felt for our reports?" Seras nodded as the devil's looked over at the two vampires. "Why did you turn Irina into a vampire?" Michael asked as y/n rolled his eyes. "Weren't you listening her injuries were to severe for standard healing so I gave her the choice and she choose to walk the night." Michael sighed and nodded it was then serafal who spoke up next. "Well then y/n how do you get food for your little group?"  Seras answered it as y/n was pinching his nose. "We feed on the inmates that are on death row that way no one will miss them." The faction leaders nod as the begin talking about the best way to secure peace and it was at this y/n scoffed and cut them off gaining their attention.

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