Six Years Later

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After welcoming our son Cynsere into the world, Dre and I decided to take the next step in our relationship and move to a cozy crib in Atlanta. Our love had grown stronger with each passing day, and we knew that starting a new chapter in our lives together was the right decision for us.

We tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony held in Atlanta , and our honeymoon was nothing short of magical. We spent a week in Jamaica, soaking up the sun, sand, and sea, and enjoying every moment of our newfound bliss.

As we settled back into our daily routine, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of love and contentment. Dre had become my rock, my confidant, and my soulmate. Some may say that he took advantage of me, but I knew that I was old enough to make my own decisions, and I chose Dre because he was the one who made my heart skip a beat.

Tragedy struck our community when Aaliyah was  accused of murdering someone in a nightclub after they threw a drink on her. The state handed her a 20-year sentence, and we were granted custody of Nova while Ahli went to live with Aaliyah's sister Giana.

As I sat in our bedroom painting my toes and waiting for Cynsere to come home from school, I couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for Nova because she didn't have her real mother around. But I also knew that we all had each other for the time being, and that was all that mattered. Our love was strong enough to weather any storm, no matter what life threw our way.

"Hy son."I smiled, getting up and giving him a hug.

"Hey mommy," Cynsere called out as he rushed past me and into his room, full of energy and excitement. I smiled at his greeting, grateful for the joy he brought into our lives.

Meanwhile, Dre was downstairs in the living room, engrossed in the game with his friends. The sound of their laughter and cheers drifted up the stairs, creating a lively atmosphere throughout the house.

I decided to retreat to our bedroom, seeking a moment of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of our home. Turning on the television, I expected to find some mindless entertainment to distract myself with. But to my surprise, the screen immediately flashed the name "Kaleef" in bold letters.

My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the name. It had been a while since I had heard anything about him. It was as if fate had orchestrated this unexpected moment, bringing Kaleef back into my life through the television screen.

I sat down on the bed, cross-legged, as I watched the BET Awards unfold before my eyes. And there he was, standing tall and confident, accepting an award alongside his best friend Zay and my own dear friend Lashae. Seeing him again stirred up a whirlwind of mixed emotions within me.

As the volume on the television rose, I leaned in closer, captivated by Kaleef's presence. Memories of our shared past flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of nostalgia wash over me.

Sitting there, consumed by the memories and emotions, I found myself lost in a moment. Our history, our connection, the ups and downs we had experienced together... it all came rushing back. Sitting Indian style on my bed, I allowed myself to fully immerse in the richness of those memories.

"I just want to say thank you to my friends, my fans , everyone that ever doubted me.. We finally made it."He smiled, holding his award up.

"Damn."I said to myself. Kaleef finally got signed. I kept thinking about the what ifs and shook my head at the memory of how I left him. Dre came in a couple minutes later and put on his sneakers. The kids were sleeping and i was watching a episode of Law and Order SVU.

"Where are you going?"I asked him.

"To the gym with the boys."He said

"I love you."I said.

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