Because You Did It First

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"She may move on to rappers and ball players but we all know I hit it first.''Ray J's song played on the radio. Gia and I were headed to Kaleef's concert. I was dressed casually with my hair straightened . Gia was hype and on her 2nd shot of Henny. I turned my phone off and we walked into the stadium. Everyone was dancing and Kaleef was on stage doing his thing. Gia and I moved towards the front. We were close enough to be spotted. Kaleef spotted me and looked hard like he couldn't recognize me. He snapped out of it and went back to singing. The next song came on and I recognized it instantly. I felt my chest get tight. He looked over at me and i smiled slightly.

Kaleef's cover of Jay-Z's "Song Cry" played softly in the background, evoking a rush of memories and emotions within me. I couldn't help but recall the time when he had written that song for me, a heartfelt message that he had sent through a simple text. I had listened to it countless times, each note carrying his undeniable talent and passion.

As I stood there, lost in the harmonies and lyrics, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of admiration for Kaleef's creative prowess. His ability to effortlessly sing, rap, and dance was a rare gift, setting him apart from the many talented artists in Philadelphia. His multifaceted talent had garnered him the envy of local rappers, a testament to his undeniable appeal.

After the concert, my best friend Gia and I decided to make our way towards the refreshment area, seeking a moment of respite amidst the vibrant atmosphere. As we neared the crowd of people, I noticed Kaleef emerging from the backstage, guarded by a group of imposing bodyguards.

In that moment, women from all directions lunged for Kaleef, eager to get closer to the charismatic musician. Yet, amidst the chaos, our eyes connected, and I felt a jolt of nervous energy coursing through me. It had been years since we last spoke, and I couldn't help but question what this unexpected encounter would bring.

With confident strides, Kaleef began moving toward me, almost as if drawn by an invisible force. My hands started trembling, the intensity of the moment catching me off guard. I could feel my heart racing, my emotions rising to the surface after all these years.

As Kaleef finally stood before me, I gazed into his eyes, searching for the familiarity of the past. There was a mix of emotions in his gaze - joy, curiosity, and perhaps even a hint of apprehension. We stood there, two individuals with a shared history, taking in the weight of the moment that had unexpectedly brought us back together.

With so much left unsaid between us, I could feel the weight of the unspoken words hanging in the air. As our eyes locked, I felt a mixture of nerves and anticipation swirling within me. It was clear that our paths had diverged and life had taken us on separate journeys, but the pull we felt towards each other was undeniable.

In that brief moment, standing face to face, I realized that this encounter held the potential to unravel the past, mend the broken pieces, or perhaps even rewrite our story altogether. And with that realization, I took a deep breath, ready to embrace whatever the future held for us.

"Jania.."He said smiling

"Hey Kaleef. I see you got your deal now.. I'm proud of you."I smiled.

"Yeah. how has things been?"He asked me.

"Pretty good . moved down here and about to open my boutique."I smiled. Gia was smiling super hard and hanging on to me.

"I wanna talk to you..i'll call you and your friend a lyft to my hotel. She can crash on the sofa."He said.

"I don't know.''I said, looking around.

"Come on..matter fact just ride with me."He said. Gia and I followed Kaleef to the car. I could hear the fans rushing after us and a few of them were pissed as hell.

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