Chapter Five

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Kim's front door opened into the living room area, the interior lights turning on at the motion of the door swing. The room was dimly lit with warm toned lights that highlighted the grey walls which surrounded the living room. The warm tones of the lights failed to heat the space allowing a cold sense of stuffy air to captivate the visitor. The walls held no memories only empty colours that painted a lonely narrative. A rack of guitars hung to the back of the room providing the ghostly room with some character. A large white couch occupied the middle, facing a TV that hung above a fireplace. A commercial sized kitchen sat adjacent to the living room, its metallic kitchenware sparkling under the artificial lights. The white marbled kitchen tops complimented the grey that surrounded the living room, seemingly blend the two spaces together. The lack of cooking utensils or any equipment for that matter added to the character of the space, indicating much about its owner.

Kim gently guided the younger through the living room and pass the kitchen, which led through to his bedroom. Still not being fully calm from his sudden emotional turmoil, soft sniffles escaped the younger, his shoulders bouncing up with each short breath. Feeling at fault, Kim felt himself wince with each deep breath, each sniffle, each tear that escaped the younger. Running his hands down the younger's back in a slow, comforting manner, Kim hoped for the small ball of sunshine to pop back a smile, not being able to withstand the younger so upset. Upon arrival at the bedroom door, Kim allowed Chay to enter first, closing the door behind him. Though Chay have been in Kim's house, he had not entered the elder's bedroom for obvious reasons, as a result finding this opportunity rather eventful. The room felt and looked very different to the rest of the house. As the rest of the place felt very unused, his bedroom felt worn, a place where there were obvious signs of life, human life.
The middle of the room was occupied by a large king-sized bed, draped over by a thick duvet and a cushioned headrest. To one side of the room were ceiling high windows, very common of high-rise buildings. A long, white desk aligned the windows, a flower shaped floor lamp highlighting the layers of paper that scattered the desk. Two doors were closed in tight, one in between the bed and the desk, the other in between the bed and the entry door into the bedroom.

Seeing the soft duvet on the elder's bed had Chay unconsciously reaching over, wanting to snuggle it to sleep. The blanket of comfort felt as soft as they looked, a thick wooled underlay providing a bounce to it. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Chay planted his face on the duvet, allowing his body to calm down and his mind to come to a halt. Though it was the sheets that felt comforting at first, the ever so charming scent of the certain other was enough for Chay to snuggle into dreamland, a scent that reminded of home.

"Chay..." Kim left the younger lying on his bed, hurrying to find a change of clothes for the two of them. Knowing Chay would appreciate to sleep in something other than the denim he's wearing, Kim hurried into his closet. Kim's closet like his house was very plain, consisting mainly of neutral shades. Though the colours were of neutral tones, great varieties of styles were present. Kim wasn't into fashion, nor would he consider himself to be any good at it, he however did like dressing well, his figure making it easy to dress himself. Chay found Kim's sense of style to be very chic, a smart elegance mixed with Kim's jacket collection, that managed to conquer half of his wardrobe space. His collection ranged from leather to faux fur, from puff jackets to wool jackets, and in between these jackets laid the rest of his clothes, only him being able to identify. Finding Chay a small sweater, a pair of sweats that tied up and some sweats for himself, Kim walked into the bathroom, wanting to freshen up before getting into bed.

Chay had fallen asleep on the same position Kim had left him, curled up on the edge of the bed, tightly clenching on to the duvet. Kim softened his movements seeing the younger fast asleep, afraid to wake him up from his slumber. Steadily mapping Chay's breathing patterns, Kim sat next to the younger, careful not to dip the bed too much. The younger looked at peace, his chubby cheeks faintly moving to the rhythm of his breathing but the faint tear stains distracting Kim from enjoying the view. Chay has always been a happy child, surrounded by an overwhelming amount of love. His jumpy personality plus the bunny smile had everyone at Chay's feet, Kim specially being a loss cause. The bright personality scared Kim at first, finding it strange and unrealistic to be so happy and carefree. This did however provoke some innocent fondness that later evolved into greedy possessiveness.
The younger's mouth had gaped open, slightly parting, carelessly allowing Kim to run with his wild thoughts. Moving onto his elbows, Kim inched closer to the younger, mesmerised by the beauty in his reach. The soft freckles that glided under the younger's eyes had Kim slightly surprised, observing to properly examine his new findings. Though they were faint, they added such beauty to his unblemished skin, making them a noticeable feature if it weren't for younger's Bambi eyes that had Kim at a chokehold.

Kim's fingers continued to explore in their own terms, moving down to trace the plump lips that's been itching at Kim to be captured. Gracing over with his thumb, the soft fan of the younger's breathing felt electric, sending sparks down his hand and unholy thoughts through his mind. Not wanting to do anything that Chay might not agree with, Kim retreated his hand from the younger's face, seeing the dangerous waters he's treading on. Seeing as Chay was deep asleep, Kim loosened the tight grip the younger had on the duvet, hoping to move him up the bed. After some soft whines from the younger and multiple apologies from the elder, Kim safely placed Chay on a pillow, covering him up with the duvet. Smugly smiling to himself, Kim hurried into bed, Chay sluggishly reaching over to snuggle against the body at the feeling of the bed dipping.  


Hey guys,

Once again, a vey short chapter. I am very sorry, I know I said it'll be a longer chapter last week. I promise I will have this and the last two chapters edited by the end of this week, so that means I will properly write this chapter as well. (sorry for how messy this chapter is) School has finally caught up with me and let's just say, my time managing have failed me dramatically. anyways, I'll c you guys next with edited chapters :)



Edited 10/04/23

Chapter edited :) I like the flow of this much better compared to before. Thathsi  

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