Chapter Thirteen

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The younger one laid on the passenger seat, balled into a cocoon with a thick blanket wrapped around him. A mess of wavy hair stood out, having escaped from under the cover. He stayed silent, only random, slow puffs of air being heard as he went in and out of sleep. Pulling out into a driveway, Kim drove towards the black exterior of a house, parking their car under a carport. The house was located west of Bangkok, around an hour's drive from the main manor. It was isolated from the busy streets, tucked away by the trees, and surrounded by a lighter atmosphere with scenery out into paddy fields. It was Kim's first big purchase and the first buy that didn't feel like he was using "daddy's money."

The front of the house was the carport, painted all black and shaped like a big box. It was very rectilinear in shape and had the typical modern look to it. An arched walkway to the side of the carport added depth to the space, detracting from some of the very harsh angles that captured it. Access to the walkway is from the large void to the side of the carport, which leads up to the main entrance into the house. Colored in all black, the carport has a striking clash with the house itself, which is cladded in soft beige timber.

Cutting the engine off, Kim took a moment to ponder, looking over at the passenger seat. He couldn't help but reach over, to have some sort of physical contact with him. Leaning to the side, Kim let his hands freely roam over the younger's hair, ruffling it softly. Chay stirred in response, pulling the blanket tighter around his head and letting himself sink further into the seat. Kim chuckled at the younger's instincts, finding amusement in annoying the younger. He slowly submerged his fingers through the curly locks, allowing his fingers to gently massage his head. He could smell a faint scent of vanilla from Chay's hair, getting stronger as Kim played around, softly tugging on chunks of hair.

Kim examined the crouching position Chay had found comfort in, questioning if his body could ever be flexible enough to bend into such a position. The younger had locked his arms around his knees, which were pulled up onto the seat as he laid his head against the car door. Chay seemed at peace, having found comfort in the position and having not moved since the start of their journey. The longer he stared, the harder it was to have civil thoughts. He loved the feeling of Chay's silky hair in between his fingers, having the urge to pull at it hard enough to wake the younger one up, to see his reaction, to do the same, but at a different time, to a different reaction. He couldn't help but imagine Chay's boba eyes glistening in tears, staring up at him with his beautiful soft blush painting his cheeks.

Chay slowly woke up from his slumber, peeking out from the blanket as his eyes tried to adjust to the light. The elder watched his every move, his eyes following the younger's, hoping to catch his. He continued to ruffle his hair as Chay involuntarily leaned towards it. The blanket that covered Chay blocked most of the light, making it difficult for the younger's eyes to adjust fast enough. Whining in annoyance, Chay pulled the blanket over his head, getting a chuckle from Kim for his cuteness. Being the menace he is, Kim slowly lifted the blacket, to find the younger slowly drifting back to sleep.

"Babba... " Kim ran his thumb over Chay's cheeks, his hand finally leaving the younger's hair.

"Come on, let's sleep inside." Kim let his eyes linger over the long eyelashes that had cast a shadow under Chay's eyes, having the urge to brush his finger past them. The younger whimpered, clearly not liking the idea of having his sleep distracted. With the continuous pestering from the elder, Chay's eyelashes slowly unraveled, showing the round black eyes that Kim continuously got lost in.

Knowing they would most likely spend their afternoon in the car at this rate, Kim got out of the driver's seat. Walking over to the passenger side, Kim let his hand slowly glide the door open, being careful as Chay was leaning on it. Hearing the click of the door opening, Chay whined a little more, pulling himself off the door dramatically in the hopes that the elder would get the memo to let him sleep in the car. Not surprised at Chay's bratty behavior, Kim leaned over Chay, reaching under the blankets to find his seatbelt.

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