Chapter Six

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Chay woke up to the pure comfort of heavens, feeling as if his body had ascended above the clouds, floating through a land of soft fur. The devilish sound of an alarm however quickly reminded Chay of his presence back on earth. The younger was paralysed under a mass, tightly held in place by a strong grip. The elder had zoned into dreamland whilst cuddling the younger, unconsiously locking Chay under later into the night. His hands securely wrapped around the younger's chest whilst his legs were sparingly thrown over Chay's torso. Being completely comfortable in this position, Chay had stayed in place, drifting through the night while having double his own weight, securely holding him down.

Taking a moment to register the unfamiliar room, Chay was met with the side of Kim's head, peacefully laying on his chest. The sweet shampoo smell from the elders' locks resting around Chay's chin finally brought him back to reality, a heat wave of emotions running through his body. Panicking at the turn of events, Chay wiggled to at least get his hands free from the elder, who seemed to tighten his grip with each pull. Chay's weak attempts to free his hands had no impact on the elder, moving to free his legs which felt even more difficult. Kim being physically glued to the younger allowed all movements of Chay to be felt by the older, similar to Chay feeling each movement of Kim. From their breathing that had synced, to Kim's hand that rested dangerously above Chay's hip where his shirt had ridden up, painted unholy images.

Though Chay would love to explore the grey line that the two seemed to be swimming in, the hell bound sound of the alarm had Chay cursing, wanting to chuck the phone over the window, eliminating the distraction that's preventing him from living his fantasy. Getting no response to any of Chay's attempts to free himself, Chay cleared his throat, hoping to scream him back to life.

"Phi Kim.." Chay's voice sounded strange, sounding similar to his voice after a night of crying, taking Chay straight back to the events from last night. Getting flashbacks of cringe race through his body, Chay hurried to get the elder to wake up.

"Phi..." Chay spoke louder, sounding more needy. His morning hoarse being replaced by his ever so famous whines. After a few more complaints from the younger, Kim had managed to half wake up.

"Phi......I just want to turn the alarm off" Chay managed to free his hands, pushing down on the elder to get himself a little freedom. Replying back with a groan, Kim moved enough for the younger to reach for his phone on the side table, moving to now bury his face on the younger's belly. Thankful for the opportunity, Chay turned off the not so melodic tune. Feeling exhausted by Kim's clingy behaviour, Chay sighed at the quietness that followed after. Quietly enjoying their position, Chay watched the elder toss and turn, squirming in place, half covered by the duvet and the other half exposing his tamed figure. Not finding the same comfort as burying his face into the crook of Chay's neck, Kim pulled the younger right back into his arms.

Chay had zoned out in class, dreaming about this exact moment, waking up in the hands of the older man, sunlight beaming through the curtains and the bird's chirping at them to wake up. Never in its wildest imaginations had they cuddled this close to one another, a clingy mafia refusing to let Chay off his hold. The said elder in his dreams did not greet him merely in sweats, carelessly displaying a figure that had Chay blushing even when fully clothed.

"Phi.. I need to go" The alarm had gone off at 7am, the normal time Chay woke up to get ready for school. Kim, knowing this had set up the alarm before falling asleep. Even if Kim doesn't wake up, knowing Chay will. At the continouse wines from the younger, only strong denials of groans escaped the elder, refusing to leave the comfort of having the younger mingled in his arms.

"Phi....." giggled Chay, hearing the hell bound no's and feeling tickles at the motion of Kim further nestling into his skin.

"Phi.. I need to go to the bathroom, I really can't hold it in"

"No", a husky morning voice disregarded the younger's growing need to go to the bathroom, thinking it's just an excuse to leave him.

"Phi.. I'm serious"

"Please let me go '', said Chay in his best pleading voice, sounding as desperate as he feels. Though the need to use the bathroom was a true excuse, his mind wondering and trespassing into some unfriendly thoughts had Chay picking at his own skin. Knowing its best to get away from the elder's grip before his hands start tracing the dips and highs of the elder's muscled back, Chay wiggled under Kim, hoping to at least have one leg free from the elder.

"Chay..." a warning like growl vibrated from the elder, having Chay freeze in his place, sounding dangerously like Kim was mad.

"Stop crawling little worm..."

Kim looked up from where he had nestled his face on the younger's neck.

His eyes pierced onto the younger, "If you end up tied to this bed, it's all on you," warningly enunciating each word. The messy bed hair with Chay's bedroom eyes had Kim thinking a lot more than what he said, biting back knowing he might just scare the younger away.

Seeing a darker red seep into the younger had Kim grinning, loving the blush that painted Chay. Chay expressed all his emotions openly, being an open book that anyone could read over, something that Kim had been scared to achieve in his life, something that Kim loved about the younger.

Chay, feeling his body burn at the sudden confession of the elder, unconsciously hit the elder in defence, feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment.

"What? I'll use cuffs instead if you like" Kim couldn't help himself but add to the younger's misery, his voice sounding dangerously low, the tone that had the most effect on the younger. Getting a loud gasp and a tomato of a lover hitting his arm, Kim loosened his grip, chuckling in response. Taking this opportunity, Chay pulled himself out, untangling himself from layers of bed sheets and Kim's body. Getting all his limbs without too much of a hassle, Chay made a run for it, his heart racing a million miles a minute.


Hi hi,

Hope you guys enjoy :) let me know ur thoughts


Hey guys, 13/04/23

Did a quick edit to make it flow a little nicer. Enjoy!!


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