Chapter 8

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(Tadashi's P.O.V., 30 minutes ago)

I woke up, having no idea where I was or what time it was. I look down and I see a cast on my leg, I must have broken it.

All I could remember was... the showcase building... on fire.. and Callaghan and Riku were still inside.. I had to save them... I had too... I only remember finding Riku. Speaking of Riku, where is he? On another note, where's Hiro and Aunt Cass?

I then see the doctor walk in. They see me awake and they're in shock.

"What?" I ask.

"You're... You're awake!" The doctor replies.

"Uh... how long was I asleep?"

"2 weeks!"

"I was in a coma for 2 weeks??"

"Yes, do to the smoke you inhaled. Good thing we had the right technology to pump it out of you. But, you still went in a coma for your lungs to heal."

"Oh... so how long do I have to have my leg in a cast?

"About 5 to 6 months."

"Oh..." I look downwards to the side.

"You rest some more, I'm gonna go get an inhaler for you and call your family to tell them the good news!"

"I can't wait to see them." I smile.

The doctor leaves. I'm not tired enough to fall asleep so I look for my phone which was on the table next to my bed, I slowly reached for it, being careful for my elevated leg in the cast.


(Riku's P.O.V., Back to 30 minutes later)

I know it was night now, But I couldn't just wait here, I wanted to see my human. It wasn't fair that I wasn't allowed in the hospital, but I didn't care! I stood up and jumped from Tadashi's bed and quickly went down the stairs, into the Lucky Cat Cafe and squeezed through the same cat door and went down the same route to the hospital.

As I was trotting down the sidewalk, it started pouring hard on me... Again! I kept walking down the now wet sidewalk, there was some light from lightposts, showing me the route but it was still so dark.

I looked around at all the shops and restaurants lighting up, looking very busy. I got distracted again as I stopped infront of a restaurant window, watching people at tables, they were eating steaks. I licked my lips, but then I suddenly remembered Tadashi again and continued on my way.

I then found the trolley again! It was different since the lights in it were now on. I happily ran to it, but accidentally fell into a muddy puddle as it continued to rain.

As I slowly got back up, the trolley started moving! I immediately started to chase it, I was looking at it as I tried to keep up. I panted as I pounced and only half my body landed on the trolley and I struggled to pull myself up on the trolley and panted like crazy.

I sat down and watched until I saw the hospital nearby. The trolley came to a stop and I jumped off. It was still raining and I trotted to the hospital's front doors that opened for me. I quickly ran in, not knowing the muddy paw prints and trail I left as I sprinted in the hospital lobby. I kept running as I went past the hall and into the elevator that just opened up.

I had remembered the first marking on Tadashi's room door so I jumped up and pressed my muddy paw print on the button. The elevator closed and I whimpered as my paws spread apart, feeling it suddenly rise up.

When it had stopped, the elevator opened and I quickly ran out and tried to sniff as I ran by each room. I finally stopped at the familiar scent of Tadashi from that one room and peaked my head in the opened doorway. I saw Tadashi down at his phone. Hiro and Aunt Cass weren't in here yet...strange.

Anyway, I ran into Tadashi's room and barked happily. He looked up at me and was surprised to see me there. I smile and wag my tail and slowly climbed on the side of the hospital bed and sat in his lap, my little muddy paw prints all over his hospital gown and started licking his face.

Tadashi laughs, "Riku! How did you get here—?"

I keep licking his face as my tail wags.

"Riku! You're all muddy!" He continues to laugh.

I stop licking his face and nuzzled my snout on his face. Suddenly there were foot steps coming down the hallway.

"Riku, Hide!" Tadashi says as he turns and lifts his pillow so I could crawl behind it and hide.

The doctor came in.

"Hey, Doc!" Tadashi smiles, putting on an act, like he wasn't hiding anything.

"Hello, Tadashi. I've contacted your family... And here is an inhaler for you just in case."

The doctor hands him an inhaler and notices the mud on his hospital gown, "Uhhm... Wait a minute... What happened?!"

"What? Oh! Um... I—" Tadashi tries to think of an excuse before I accidentally fell from behind the pillow and onto the tile on the floor.

The doctor saw me and pointed at me yelling, "YOU!" In an antagonizing tone.

"It's okay! It's okay, Doc. He's not bothering me!"

The doctor lets out a sigh, "He's your dog?"

"Yeah.. Can he stay? Please? Just for a little while...just until my family gets here.."

The doctor sharply inhales, "Alright fine."

I happily climbed up on the bed and wagged my tail as Tadashi pets my back and head.

He smiles at the Doctor, "Thank you."

The doctor nods and leaves. Tadashi gives me a smile and I let out a happy bark.

I hung out with him, laying on his lap until Aunt Cass and Hiro arrived.


There was a knock on the door and the doctor came in again followed by Aunt Cass and Hiro.

"Tadashi!! I can't believe it!!" Hiro says surprised.

"You're awake! It's a miracle!" Aunt Cass says.

Tadashi chuckles a bit and greeted them with a wave. They haven't noticed me laying on Tadashi's lap so I let out a little bark and wagged my tail from all the excitement. They were surprised to see me there as they glanced down at me.

"Riku! How did you get here??" Aunt Cass asks.

"Maybe that's why traffic was so bad," Hiro giggles, "Riku probably got out again like...last time."

"...Last time? What are you talking about?" Tadashi asked, confused.

"Oh, hun.. Riku had came here by himself last time, a few days ago. I guess he missed his dad that much." Aunt Cass replied.

"Oh— I totally can believe that. I was so surprised when he just walked through my door!" Tadashi smiled.

"Alright, So... Mr. Hamada, you might have to stay here for one more day, We just have to make sure you're doing okay, making sure nothing else is wrong. But, it's time for the dog to go with your family now."

Tadashi frowned a bit and then smiled at me, "Alright, Riku, You gotta go with Hiro and Aunt Cass now... I'll see you tomorrow, okay? I promise." He scratches behind my ears.

We all hang out together in the hospital room, and Tadashi's friends came in to join us later on.


Then it was time for us to leave. Everyone said goodbye and I left following Aunt Cass and Hiro out the room, I stopped and turned around and stuck my head through the doorway and looked at Tadashi. He gave me a smile and a little wave goodbye.

I let out a small whimper and turned back around and caught up with Hiro and Aunt Cass as we left the hospital.


In the truck, I laid my head down on the seat and daydreamed of all the fun things Tadashi and I were gonna do when he gets out of the hospital.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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