She's the one ( Felix )

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Stray kids Felix

The story of Felix and Y/N was one that began in the quiet halls of their high school, but quickly grew to encompass the entire city they lived in. Felix had always been an introverted boy, more comfortable in the company of books than people.

But something about Y/N caught his attention from the very first day of school. Maybe it was her easy smile, or the way she moved with a natural grace that made everyone else seem awkward in comparison. Whatever it was, Felix found himself drawn to her in a way he couldn't quite explain.

At first, Felix tried to keep his feelings for Y/N hidden, content to watch her from afar as he went about his daily routine. But as the weeks turned into months, he found himself becoming more and more obsessed with her.

He would steal glances at her during class, trying to memorize every detail of her face. He would linger near her locker after school, hoping for a chance to catch her eye. And when he couldn't be near her, he would imagine conversations they might have, scenarios in which he might finally be able to confess his feelings.

Of course, Felix knew that he was being foolish. Y/N was popular and outgoing, with a seemingly endless stream of friends and admirers. There was no way she would ever be interested in someone like him, a quiet and reserved boy who barely spoke above a whisper.

But try as he might, Felix couldn't shake the feeling that he and Y/N were somehow meant to be together. He spent countless hours daydreaming about her, imagining romantic gestures and scenarios that would sweep her off her feet.

It wasn't until the school's annual winter dance that Felix finally found the courage to act on his feelings. He had spent weeks preparing for the event, carefully selecting his outfit and rehearsing what he would say to Y/N if he had the chance.

And when he finally saw her, standing near the entrance to the gymnasium in a stunning red dress, he knew that this was his moment. Heart pounding in his chest, Felix approached Y/N and asked her to dance. To his surprise, she said yes, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

As they moved together on the dance floor, Felix felt as though he were living in a dream. Y/N was everything he had ever wanted in a girl - smart, funny, and beautiful in every way. And for a few blissful moments, he forgot all about his insecurities and doubts, lost in the magic of the moment.

As the night wore on, Felix and Y/N found themselves talking more and more, their conversations growing deeper and more meaningful with each passing moment. And when the dance finally ended, Felix knew that he had to tell Y/N how he felt.

Taking a deep breath, he confessed everything - his secret feelings, his fears of rejection, and his hopes for the future. To his surprise, Y/N listened attentively, her expression one of genuine interest. And when he was finished, she smiled at him and took his hand, leading him outside into the crisp winter air. "I've known all along, Felix," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "I've been waiting for you to tell me."

And with those words, Felix felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. For the first time in his life, he felt truly alive, and he knew that he and Y/N were meant to be together. In the years that followed, Felix and Y/N grew closer and closer, their love for each other deepening with each passing day.

They faced challenges and obstacles, but through it all, they remained steadfast in their commitment to one another. And as they stood together, hand in hand, looking out over the city they called home, Felix knew she was the one, his other half, and his soulmate.

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