Love finds it's way ( Sunoo )

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Enhypen Sunoo

Sunoo had always been a shy boy. He was never one to speak up in class, always keeping to himself and avoiding eye contact with others. However, everything changed when he met Y/N.

Y/N was the new girl in school, and she immediately caught Sunoo's attention. Her bright smile and kind demeanor drew him in, and he found himself wanting to know more about her. Despite his nervousness, Sunoo mustered up the courage to introduce himself to Y/N.

To his surprise, she was just as interested in getting to know him as he was in getting to know her.

As they spent more time together, Sunoo and Y/N began to form a close bond. They would spend their afternoons walking around town, talking about their hopes and dreams, and just enjoying each other's company.

Sunoo found himself becoming more confident as he spent time with Y/N. He started speaking up in class, and he even joined the school's drama club, something he never would have done before meeting her. Y/N was always there to support him, encouraging him to try new things and never giving up on him. Sunoo knew that he had found someone truly special in Y/N.

One day, as they were walking through the park, Sunoo worked up the courage to tell Y/N how he felt about her. He was nervous, but he knew he had to tell her. To his relief, Y/N felt the same way. They shared a sweet kiss under a tree, and Sunoo knew that he had found the love of his life.

As they continued their relationship, Sunoo and Y/N faced challenges together, but they always came out stronger on the other side. They graduated high school and went off to college together, still as in love as they were when they first met.

Years passed, and Sunoo and Y/N continued to build a life together. They got married, had children, and grew old together, always holding each other's hand through life's ups and downs. Looking back on his life, Sunoo knew that he was grateful for Y/N.

She had changed his life in ways he never could have imagined. She had taught him to be brave, to take risks, and to love fiercely. Sunoo knew that he was lucky to have found someone like Y/N, and he would always be grateful for the time they spent together.

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