A Harmonious Encounter (Dokyeom)

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Seventeen Dokyeom/DK

Y/N walked through the bustling streets of Seoul, the city's vibrant energy filling the air. It was an ordinary day, or so it seemed, until she noticed a large crowd gathering near a record store. Curiosity piqued, she approached the commotion and found herself caught up in the excitement surrounding the release of a new album.

As she edged closer, Y/N caught a glimpse of a boy named Dokyeom, standing at the center of attention. His face was lit up with a shy pink hue, and he covered his mouth with one hand, averting his eyes.

It was clear to Y/N that this boy was none other than Dokyeom from the popular boy band Seventeen. She had always admired his talent and warm personality, and seeing him in person made her heart skip a beat.

The crowd erupted into cheers as Dokyeom stepped forward to address his fans. His voice carried a mix of nervousness and excitement. "Thank you all for being here today," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I am thrilled to announce the release of my first solo album, 'WHISPERS'!"

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise. She had no idea that Dokyeom was working on a solo project. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for him, knowing that he was venturing into new musical territory.

Dokyeom continued, "This album is a reflection of my personal journey, my growth as an artist and as an individual. Each song holds a special meaning to me, and I hope that you all can relate to them too."

Y/N felt a strong desire to support Dokyeom in this new endeavor. She made up her mind to purchase the album and listen to it with an open heart. After all, she had always been moved by his performances with Seventeen, and she was eager to see his solo work.

As Dokyeom finished his speech, the crowd erupted into cheers once again, chanting his name. Y/N couldn't help but join in the excitement, her voice blending with the enthusiastic chorus of fans. She waited patiently for her turn to meet Dokyeom and have him sign her newly acquired album.

Finally, it was her chance to approach him. Dokyeom's eyes met hers, and a warm smile adorned his face. Y/N's heart fluttered as she handed him the album, their hands briefly brushing against each other.

"You're Y/N, right?" Dokyeom asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Surprised that he recognized her, it has been almost 3 months since their fancall and 7 months since they saw each other in peron, Y/N nodded, feeling her cheeks flush with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Yes, that's me. I've always been a fan of yours, Dokyeom. I can't wait to listen to your solo album."

His smile widened, and he nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for your support, Y/N. I poured my heart and soul into this album, and I hope it resonates with you."

Y/N felt a connection with Dokyeom in that moment, their shared passion for music bringing them closer. "I'm sure it will," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Your music has always touched my heart, and I have no doubt that your solo work will be equally captivating."

Dokyeom's face lit up with gratitude, his face slightly turing into a light sade of pink. "Thank you, Y/N. Your kind words mean the world to me. I hope you enjoy the album and that it brings you as much joy as it brought me creating it."

As Y/N bid farewell to Dokyeom, clutching her signed album close to her chest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The release of 'WHISPERS' marked a new chapter for Dokyeom, and Y/N was ready to embark on this musical journey alongside him.

Little did she know that their paths would cross again in the very near future, and their connection would deepen beyond their shared love for music and dance.

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