The quiet boy ( Wonwoo )

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Seventeen Wonwoo

Wonwoo had always been a quiet and reserved boy. He never spoke unless spoken to and preferred to keep to himself most of the time. He was content living his life in solitude, reading books and playing video games.

Y/N, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. She was outgoing and friendly, always eager to make new friends and try new things. She was the life of the party and loved being the center of attention.

Despite their differences, Wonwoo and Y/N found themselves drawn to each other. They were both in the same class at school and often found themselves sitting next to each other. Wonwoo was initially intimidated by Y/N's outgoing personality, but he soon found himself fascinated by her.

Y/N, for her part, found Wonwoo to be a mystery. She was intrigued by his quiet demeanor and wanted to know more about him. She started asking him questions about himself and slowly but surely, Wonwoo began to open up to her. The two of them soon became good friends.

Wonwoo would lend Y/N books from his extensive collection, and she would introduce him to new video games. They would spend hours talking about everything and nothing, and Wonwoo found that he was happier than he had ever been before.

One day, Y/N asked Wonwoo to come to a party with her. Wonwoo was hesitant at first, but Y/N was insistent. She promised him that they would have a great time and that she would be with him the entire night. Wonwoo agreed, and they went to the party together.

Y/N was as good as her word, and she stayed by Wonwoo's side the entire night. They danced together, laughed together, and had a great time.

As the night wore on, Wonwoo found himself looking at Y/N in a different light. He realized that he had feelings for her, feelings that went beyond friendship. He didn't know how to express these feelings, however, so he kept them to himself.

The next day, Wonwoo couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. He wanted to tell her how he felt, but he didn't know how. He spent the day lost in thought, trying to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided to write Y/N a letter. He poured his heart out onto the paper, telling her how much he cared for her and how he had never felt this way about anyone before. He gave the letter to Y/N the next day, and she read it with tears in her eyes.

She had never suspected that Wonwoo had feelings for her, but she was overjoyed to hear it. They started dating soon after that, and their relationship blossomed into something beautiful. They went on long walks, held hands, and shared their hopes and dreams with each other.

Wonwoo found that he was no longer content living his life in solitude. With Y/N by his side, he felt like he could conquer the world. He started speaking up more in class and making new friends. Y/N, for her part, found that she was happier with Wonwoo than she had ever been before. She loved his quiet nature and the way he would surprise her with small gestures of love.

As they graduated high school and went on to college, Wonwoo and Y/N stayed together. In the end, they got married and started a family of their own. Wonwoo had come a long way from the quiet and reserved boy he had once been. He was now a confident and loving husband and father, all thanks to Y/N. Looking back on their life together, Wonwoo knew that he had made the right choice in taking a chance on love.

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