Till we meet again ( San )

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Ateez San

San had always been fascinated with the Japanese culture. He spent countless hours studying their language, reading their literature, and watching their films. It wasn't until he met Y/N, a Japanese exchange student at his university, that his fascination became something more.

Y/N had just arrived from Tokyo and was struggling to adjust to her new surroundings. She felt homesick and out of place in a foreign country. San noticed her sitting alone in the cafeteria and decided to approach her. He introduced himself and they struck up a conversation.

It wasn't long before San discovered that Y/N shared his love for Japanese literature and film. They began meeting regularly to discuss their shared interests. San would often bring books and movies for them to enjoy together. Y/N appreciated his company and began to feel more comfortable in her new environment. They quickly became good friends.

As they spent more time together, San began to feel something more than just friendship for Y/N. He found her kind-heartedness and intelligence charming, and he couldn't help but be drawn to her. However, he was hesitant to confess his feelings because he knew that Y/N would be returning to Japan at the end of the semester.

Y/N, too, had begun to develop feelings for San. She admired his dedication to learning about her culture and his willingness to help her adjust to her new surroundings. However, like San, she was hesitant to express her feelings because she knew that their time together was limited.

One day, San suggested they take a trip to a nearby Korean village. Y/N was excited to explore more of Korea and agreed to go. As they wandered through the village, they came across a small bookstore. San led Y/N inside and began searching through the shelves for a book he had been wanting to read.

Y/N watched as San carefully scanned the titles, his eyes lighting up as he found what he was looking for. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of him so engrossed in his passion for literature. It was in that moment that she realized just how much she cared for him.

As they left the bookstore, San turned to Y/N and took her hand. He looked into her eyes and said, "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you." Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she waited for him to continue. "I know our time together is limited, but I can't help how I feel. I care for you more than just a friend." Y/N felt her face flush with emotion as she looked back into San's earnest gaze. "San, I feel the same way," she replied. They stood there for a moment, holding hands and staring into each other's eyes.

As they continued their walk through the village, San and Y/N talked about their feelings for each other and what it meant for their future. They both knew that a long-distance relationship would be difficult, but they didn't want to let their feelings go unacknowledged.

The rest of their time together passed quickly. They went on more adventures, shared more books and movies, and made the most of the time they had left. Before Y/N left for Japan, San took her to a small park where they had spent many afternoons together. There, he gave her a small gift – a book of his favorite Japanese poems – and a promise to stay in touch.

Y/N hugged San tightly, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you for everything, San," she whispered. "I'll never forget you." San held her close, his heart heavy with the knowledge that she would be leaving soon. "I won't forget you either, Y/N. I promise." Over the next few months, San and Y/N kept in touch through emails and video chats. Only god knows what will happen in the future, hopefully they meet eachother again someday.

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