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"Faxei'a..." my tsmukan's voice sounds painful. I look up to him. My lip trembling. He sighs painfully. "My dear tsmuke." He whispers before kneeling down next to me. Resting his hand on my shoulder. He pulls me into his chest and I grab his arm. Sobbing into it.

"I miss mom and dad." I whisper. He hushes softly. Caressing my arm. "I know."

"You connected with the tree..." He whispers. "Did you see them?" He asks. I shake my head. Tears spilling onto his arm. "Then what did you see?" I wipe my tears away and inhale. "You won't like it." I reply. My voice still shaky. "I promise I won't get mad." He says. His voice sounds hurtful. I sniffle. "I'm always here for you tsmuke, everything I do is for you." Wëkei'o sounds sad.

"I saw Lo'ak." I finally say. My tsmukan is silent. He hasn't stopped caressing my arm.
"I don't know why or what it means..." I add. "I wanted clarity on our relationship but it made me even more confused."

After a while he asks. "What does that mean?" I hum confused. "That you saw Lo'ak... what do you think it means." He sounds reassuring. I pull out of his embrace. "I- I don't know..."

"Then figure that out." He says. "Eywa has shown you that for a reason. Only you can figure out what that means." Wëkei'o sounds resolute but not angry at all. 

He places his hand on my head. Petting my hair. Pushing a braid behind my ear. "Maybe... you should talk to Lo'ak about it." He smiles. Followed by a big sigh. "You're aging too quickly." He whispers. I wipe my tears away.

"Oel ngati kameie, tsmuke." He says. Indicating his understanding of my feelings. Saying all the words left unsaid. His eyes sorrowful and sweet alike. "I see you." I respond.
For all the times I yelled or cussed you out. Disregarded your feelings and for all the times I didn't apologise. And for all that you do for me. Dear brother.

A tear rolls down his cheek and he places his hand on my cheek.

Wëkei'o and I make our way back to the village but I tell him to go on home. I make a turn and head into the sun cabin's direction. When all of a sudden two familiar voices sound in the distance. I duck behind a tree, spitting my ears. Listening closely.

"I should've been quicker!" Lo'ak sounds angry with himself. "Don't worry, she'll come back soon." Neteyam sounds calm. "I'm sure she's okay." He adds. A soft pat. "Bro." Lo'ak sounds worried. "What do I do?"
"Follow this." Neteyam says.

I peek besides the tree and see his finger placed on Lo'aks chest. "Just listen to it for once." He says before pulling his finger away.

I take a big breath and get up softly. Exhaling quietly before turning and walking towards the brothers.

They hear my footsteps and both look my way. They look worried but I smile. Lo'ak looks painful once I get up close to them. "Are you okay?" Neteyam asks. I nod. "Yes. Don't worry." I respond.

Lo'ak steps closer and he places his hand on my cheek. His finger tracing under my eyes. "But I do worry." He says.

"I'll let you two talk." Neteyam says. He leaves us no time to respond cause he backs away and disappears in the forest.

I place my hand atop Lo'aks. "You don't have to. I'm fine, nìngay." (Truly/truthfully) he tilts his head softly. "You cried... ma Faxei'a." He sounds lovingly. I close my eyes and rest onto his palm.

We sink to the floor and he doesn't let my hand go. My eyes are on the ground. "Lo'ak. What did you see?" I ask. It's quiet for a little while. I look up to meet his eyes. "Promise me, that you'll share your vision with me after." He says. I nod.

"At first I woke up next to my dad. He apologised for a lot of stuff and we shared some memories. We laughed. Then, he told me something else..."

Lo'ak gulps.

"He told me; 'take care of your mate.' And when I told him, 'I didn't know what he was talking about.' he pointed to..."

His eyes now locking with mine.
"Well, you... but older." He says.

A warm feeling sparks inside my chest and stomach. Goosebumps on my arms and legs. "Lo'ak, I also saw you." I say.

He looks confused. "But you-" I tenderly place my finger on his lips. "Nothing bad happened. I just felt overwhelmed with emotions." I say. He smiles. "Then what did... I do?" He asks. His cheeks warming up. His eyes darting away. I chuckle. My cheeks turn bright red.

"You called me 'ma tìyawn'."
(My love)

I peek at Lo'ak and see his ears have also turned red.

"You too were older, your voice was much deeper and your hands were twice the size of mine." I say smiling.

He grabs my wrists and places his palms against mine. "They're bigger now too." He mumbles. After looking at the size difference for a while he interlocks his fingers with mine.

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