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Sammy woke up with the feeling that today wasn’t going go as smoothly as yesterday had gone, she also felt it was going to have something to do with Niklaus McCarthy. If she went the entire day without seeing him then she was sure she was going to be fine. Why couldn’t he just be as nice as everyone else? They had all made her feel so welcomed until she had spoken to him last night. She had almost forgotten she was here on the conditional basis that she was going to marry Jason but his voice was the cruel reminder that the clock was ticking and they were waiting for her to give them an answer.
There was a knock on her door that made her just want to crawl back under the covers but instead she got out of bed and went to see who it was, it was Levi who came to inform her that Mr McCarthy was going to see her in his study in an hour.
So that meant Richard McCarthy was back too. Did that also mean that Jason was back too? But Charlie didn’t mention anything about Jason being with him but it felt weird being in his home and being expected to marry him without actually seeing him and having a conversation with him just to know where they stood with each other and on the insane idea. Well he had clearly expressed were he stood the other day they had spoken and Sammy suspected he still felt the same way or he’d be here right now with her making decisions. The whole point of all this was for them to raise the child together right? She couldn’t see that happening with him being MIA.

CHARLIE AND HER husband were in a heated conversation when Sammy came downstairs, Charlie looked and saw her and then said,
“Good, a sane person” she motioned her to come over with her hands, Sammy walked over to them and smiled at both of them
“No time for pleasantries” Charlie said hushing her
“Go ahead, tell him” she said placing her hands akimbo and waiting for Sammy to tell her husband something she had no clue of.
“Could you please tell this knuckle head that nothing’s going to happen to me if I go out with Lexie for just a bit”
“Baby, babe, I didn’t say that something was going to happen but I just want you to stay here while I go join Richard for that meeting in Austin this afternoon”
Richard? Was he not supposedly waiting for her in his study? Sammy wondered.
“I am going crazy just sitting around in this house. Look I love you, but if I have to watch another episodes of the real housewives of Texas, I’m going to literally carve this baby out of me” Charlie told her husband
“then watch something else” he said calmly for someone his wife had just threatened to carve out their unborn child.
Just immediately Chase walked in holding a box of the most heavenly smelling doughnut in his hands
“Good morning, lovelies” he greeted no one in particular.
Both Charlie and Luca threw him a glance and then went back to their staring contest.
“you don’t want to be getting involved in their arguments” Chase told Sammy
“We are not arguing” they both turned in unison and said
From where Sammy and Chase stood it did look that way.
“if you say so” he said to them and then whispered to Sammy
“they are totally arguing” and Sammy couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Let’s go” he said taking her hand and taking her from the arguing couple,
“have you had breakfast?” he asked her when they got to the dining area
Sammy shook her head breakfast was the last thing that had been on her mind with Mr McCarthy summoning her like that.
“good” Chases said as he opened the delicious goodness he was carrying and they both dug in.

Sammy lost track of time while she ate with Chase, he was a wonderful company, at least better than his brother. Sometimes it was hard to tell if he was flirting or just being extremely nice which was somewhat unnerving for Sammy. He did all the talking and watched as she devoured the whole box by herself after he had taken that first one and by the time she realised what she had done there was just one doughnut left in the box and she flushed, embarrassed by her behaviour. Chase smiled at her,
“it’s all for you carino” he told her as if he had just read her mind
“Thank you”  but she was full now so she smiled at him.
Just then this girl that was putting on a maid’s outfit came in, Sammy was sure she met her yesterday but she couldn’t remember her name.
She immediately saw Chase and blushed deeply
“Good morning, Mr McCarthy” she said and Chase smiled back
“I told you Jennifer, Chase. Mr McCarthy is my father”
So it wasn’t just Sammy with the flirting thing, she was relieved as she watched him do it with Jennifer.
“I’m sorry” she said with a silly giggle
“Chase” she said as if testing how it sounded coming from her
“okay Jennifer, do you need something?” Chase asked her and for a moment Sammy thought that they maybe had forgotten she was in the room with them.
“Yes. Mr McCarthy… the other Mr McCarthy sent me to fetch Ms Baker” she said
“Oh Sammy, this is Jenny. She’s new here so I’m still teaching her some stuff” it sounded dirty, the way he said it but that was none of Sammy’s business, her business was the girl who had come to fetch her.
“Looks like you are needed somewhere else. Can you go with Jenny?” he asked and Sammy nodded

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