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Sammy opened her eyes with a wide smile on her face, her body was still ringing from all the orgasms she had last night and remembering made her blush, deeply.
It took her all of five seconds to notice she was in bed alone. She sat up and glanced around the apartment but there was no sign of Nick.
He was gone. Her heart sank at the realisation that he was gone.
She got up and wrapped herself in the bedspread before checking if he was in the bathroom, as expected he was not.
Why was she so disappointed? Sammy wondered. She half knew that he would bail but at the same time she had gotten her hopes up. But for what? It wasn’t like anything beyond this could happen between them, not when she was carrying his brother’s baby and certainly not when she had agreed to marry Jason.

She knew he would regret getting back in bed with her, but what she hadn’t anticipated was that he would leave even before she woke up.
They’d made love all night, it was almost five thirty the last time they had gone to sleep and she had never felt closer to anybody in her entire life. But that certainly wasn’t the case for him because he had just woken up and brushed everything off like it meant nothing.
Maybe it meant nothing to him? The fact that he had confessed he wanted her severally last night didn’t mean he felt the same today.
Sammy was still in her thoughts when the door jiggled and in walked Nick struggling with a couple of grocery bags.
“Nick?” she called hesitantly.
“You’re awake. I hope you don’t mind I used your keys” he said dropping the bag on the kitchen counter.
“I thought you left” that just slipped out
“I did, there was nothing edible in this house so I went to get a few things” he told her as he began to walk closer to her,
he grabbed her gently,
“Good morning” he said before taking her mouth in a mind numbing kiss.
Sammy melted into the kiss, grabbing on to his now rumpled dress shirt like her life depended on it.
How could this one man make her feel all these things at the same time. First was the overwhelming sadness when she realised he was gone and now all her senses were at a halt and all over the place at the same time.
Her head was still spinning when he let go of her and smiled,
“Good morning” she replied breathlessly, still clutching unto his shirt.
“You went grocery shopping?” she asked him after catching her breath,
“Yes. I figured that since you exhausted yourself last night you’d be very much hungry when you woke up” he told her and she blushed as the images from last night flooded her head.
“Now go take a shower while I whip us some breakfast” he told her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
Sammy felt like she was dreaming, it was the whole domestic setting that was making her head spin.
she tried to tell herself not to make too much of it as she walked to the bathroom but Nick McCarthy was in her kitchen whipping up breakfast after they had spent the entire night in each other’s arms there was no making less of it.

*  *  *  *  *  *

There was more than one side to Niklaus McCarthy and Sammy was getting to know all of them. He was smart, nice, playful and even somewhat funny but most of all he was present. He was present when he had taken her to his favourite gallery, Gavin Brown’s in the lower east side for an exhibition. She had never been to an art exhibition before but she couldn’t deny it was fun pretending she understood how captivated he felt being in there. He ended up buying her a painting from a female artist that had such a long name Sammy couldn’t pronounce it but it made her feel good. She knew she was going to cherish it for the rest of her life.
Sammy found that no matter how much fun they were having she couldn’t stop thinking of the night before. In all honesty she just wanted to jump him again as soon as possible, but they hadn’t been alone long enough for her to do anything about it. Even if she could summon enough courage to. She wondered if he thought about it and when it might happen again but he seemed quite content with just being there with her and made no indications of wanting a repeat.
That wasn’t the case when they ended up in his hotel suite for the night because then he was the one who jumped her, confessing that he had thought of nothing all day which really pleased Sammy. Again, they had stayed up all night alternating between making love and talking and by the time Sammy fell asleep in the early hours of the morning she did so wearing nothing but a wide smile on her face.
Saturday started with Sammy waking up to Nick’s mouth on hers, they made love yet again and then again in the shower after which they ordered breakfast although it was well past noon. Sammy decided she needed to go back to her apartment to fetch some more clothes and Nick tried to dissuade her, it didn’t matter because she wouldn’t be wearing them anyway, he had told her in a tone that made her just want to have sex with him again. Truth be told everything just made her want to have sex with him. And the funny thing was, Sammy had never thought herself as a sexual person before, but after a few days with Nick she realised that the problem hadn’t been with her at all but with her other lovers.
Sammy smiled at the thought of the word lovers, she was now a person that had use of the word in a sentence concerning her. In reality there hadn’t been that many lovers and none had mattered like Nick did.

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