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Sammy was barely done dressing up when the knock on the door came, she already knew it would be Charlie coming in to complain about something Luca might have done or coming to pretend she needed advice on something she had the perfect solution to. Sammy guessed that she came in most times just to keep her company and truth be told she did enjoy it anytime she came in. It surprised Sammy when the knock came again, it wasn't in Charlie's habit to knock twice, one knock was all the girl needed and she wouldn't even wait for a response before barging in.
Sammy quickly did the button of her jeans, which now hung to her waist so tightly. It wasn't that obvious to the eyes but Sammy knew she was putting on weight. It was kinda exciting and made her drop a hand to her belly. She was having a baby, she smiled. She remembered the picture of her tiny black and white baby that was now sitting in her dresser drawer and she almost squealed.
The knock came again and Sammy concluded it wasn't Charlie, there was no way Charlie would knock three times and still wait for a response, the girl would have pulled the door off its hinges by now. She would just have to find another time to get excited about her baby, Sammy thought before running a hand through her hair and going to see who it was.
Sammy stumbled back in shock, she would have maybe fallen if he didn't catch her by her waist. The last person she had expected to see on the other end of that door was Jason McCarthy and he was the one holding unto her like his life depended on it.
"Jason?" she called as if to make sure he was really the one
"Hi" he said balancing her and then letting go of her.
He was smiling, which somehow was creeping Samantha out way more than it should.
"You're here" not the smartest thing she could have said in the moment but her brain decided it was time to go on a vacation.
"Yes. Can we talk?" he asked her and she nodded because opening her mouth would just be asking for trouble.
"I asked Mrs. J to make us some breakfast I hope you don't mind" she shook her head even though she knew that settling down to share a meal with him was going to be very difficult after everything she had done.

They ate in silence, not because Sammy was hungry as a matter of fact, she didn't have any appetite at all but she ate so she wouldn't look him. She ate to fill the hole the guilt was chipping at.
Sammy realised that this was the longest they had been alone in a room together, well except for the night they had met. But that didn't count because she barely remembered that night.
"I'd like to apologise for the last time we saw each other, I was drinking and my friends weren't helping matters at all. I shouldn't have kissed you like that"
an apology, just what Sammy needed to make her feel more guilty than she was already feeling.
"It's fine" she said, but it wasn't fine. She didn't want him to think it was okay to grab her and kiss her like that anytime he wanted but given that a week ago she was wrapped in bed with his brother what he did wasn't so bad in comparison.
"No, it's not. I'm not that person and I don't want you to think I am"
"I didn't think you were" didn't she?
"I went through a lot last year. I lost my wife and when I found out she was pregnant before she died, I spiralled and I did a lot of things that I now regret. That was when we met. I wasn't in a good place then and I wasn't in a good place when I came home before but I'm going to try to do better now. For you, for our baby. I want us to be a real family all three of us"
It was more the sincerity than it was the words that tore Sammy's heart into pieces. What had she done? This man had been through so much already and she had done the unforgivable by getting involved with his brother, how could she be a real family with him after that?
"I want you to just think about it, but I'm all in. I spoke to my dad, I think we should get married next month, I want us to be married before you start showing and I want us to get comfortable with each other before the baby comes."
"Wow" that was all Sammy could say. He had obviously thought this through when she was busy in falalaland with his brother.
She had agreed to this, hadn't she? So why then did the thought of it make her almost want to puke?
"You don't have to give me an answer now but I just want you to know that I'm not going anywhere"
Jason McCarthy really wasn't who Samantha had thought he was and that really made her feel worse, she wished he had literally said anything else. It felt better when he had almost physically thrown her out on her ass, when he had been so rude that she wished never to see him again it hadn't felt this bad. This was the worst feeling ever.

ENTANGLED: A McCarthy Love Story Where stories live. Discover now