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When Sammy had pictured a baby shower, she hadn’t pictured this much people, the McCarthys really went all out when they threw a party and according to Charlie the engagement party Alex had thrown her had even been more elaborate than this. They were over thirty girls and they were apparently all close friends with Charlie. Sammy had just one close friend – one friend period, so it surprised her how someone could claim that all these people were her close friends.
She had never felt out of place in the McCarthy manor until she the girls for the party started to arrive, she wanted to crawl back upstairs to her room until they all left. She didn’t belong with them at all. They were all shinny and elegant and she was just plain.
The dress she had carefully picked out for the occasion now made her feel like a simpleton, which would have been fine by her if it wasn’t for the looks the girls had been throwing at her. One had even mistaken her for the maid and asked her to be a darling and fetch her a pomegranate spritzer and didn’t even wait for a response before going to take her seat, Sammy had no idea what that was but she didn’t have a chance to tell the very hot and very beautiful blond before she left.
Charlie seemed like she was having the time of her life as Alex went about terrorising the workers who were doing their best waiting on the arrogant brats they all were. She couldn’t imagine how Charlie could be friends with people like this but she seemed right at home with them.
“You having fun?” Charlie walked up to where she stood in isolation and whispered. Sammy smiled, how could she tell her that she wasn’t?
“Everything is so amazing” she said instead, which was in fact the truth. The house had been transformed from the classy home it was to this very glamourous looking place.
“Well I’m glad one of us is” Charlie told her, which surprised Sammy. She had looked like she had been enjoying herself earlier.
“You’re not?” Sammy asked and she shook her head before taking a sip from the virgin daiquiri she held.
“These girls are driving me crazy. Alex included. She has put in so much work into this that I didn’t have the heart to tell her that none of these girls are actually my friends”
Sammy felt so relieved to hear that because she honestly couldn’t relate the Charlie that she had come to know with someone that would actually want to be friends with these girls.
“I mean, the last time I saw Edna was the week before graduation” she said pointing at a girl who was laughing at something neither Charlie or Sammy knew.
“And Chrissy,” she continued
“I’m sure that girl has been in love with my husband since we met her in France two years ago. But Luca hates women with tiny legs so she doesn’t stand a chance” Sammy’s eyes fell to the gorgeous blonde’s legs and boy were they tiny. She didn’t help the chuckle that escaped her and Charlie laughed too and just like that she stopped feeling out of place. Charlie was still Charlie so everything was right again.
“And speaking of Luca, I still have a murder to plan. His murder. The son of a bitch chose today of all days to leave me alone with his nut job sister. I told Lex I wanted something intimate, just family, but that girl is as stubborn as they come so I’m just here pretending to be having the time of my life to make my sister-in-law slash BFF happy”
Just then Alex came strolling in and Charlie plastered a smile on her face,
“This is great, I’m so happy” she told Alex and Sammy concurred.
“Really?” Alex asked,
“because I’m freaking out. I just need everything to go smoothly” she said looking really stressed.
“Everything is amazing, you should sit and have fun, have a drink” Charlie said and lifted a drink from the nearby server and handed it to her.
Alex took a swig and then frowned,
“why the fuck is this champagne not cold?” she asked no one in particular before storming out.
“that’s her murder face” Charlie informed Sammy,
“Good to know, at least now I can be able to know when she’s about to kill me” Sammy replied and just then two of the girls came and dragged Charlie off.

Sammy decided to have a moment alone before someone else came to ask her how she knew Charlie, she had answered the same question at least seven times already and she was sure she would still answer it again. They all apparently wanted to know what a low life like her was doing partying with them, she was wondering the same thing too. She couldn’t possibly tell them that they met a few weeks ago when she found out that she had been knocked up by Charlie’s brother in law and her father in law had offered her money to marry his son and now she was almost a member of the family but only if her baby daddy ever came back because he took off after he had stolen an unsolicited kiss from her and had taken off the next morning and now no one was sure where he was but they all hoped he would be back for their wedding, the wedding no one was talking about if she might add. So instead she had just smiled and said that Charlie was her friend, which was only a half lie. She hadn’t even found the time to give Charlie her gift yet because there were just so many gifts to be opened and honestly because she was beginning to have doubts about the stupid locket she had picked out. Everyone’s gift was so flashy and expensive that she had tucked hers back into the pocket of her dress, there was no way in hell Charlie would want something as low cost as it.
She heard Alex’s voice from the kitchen and she sounded pissed, she could also hear Charlie’s usual calm voice coming from there too so she decided to see what was happening,
“it’s just ice” Charlie said rubbing her temples
“so what? The guests are just going to drink hot champagne till the idiot gets here?” Alex asked looking rather furious, maybe it had been a bad idea coming in here.
“Sam,” Charlie spotted her,
“please can you help me calm her down?” she asked.
“What’s wrong?” Sammy asked them
“The ice maker is broken and the guy said it would take another twenty minutes before he gets here” Charlie explained
Twenty minutes wasn’t that much time, Sammy wanted to say but taking one glance at Alex she decided to bite her tongue, the girl still wore her murder face so Sammy decided she wasn’t going to say anything that would tick her off.
“I just remembered, the freezer in the storage room downstairs, I think there’s ice in there” Charlie said
“Yes?” Alex asked, her whole face lighting up
“I haven’t been down there in a while but I think so” Charlie was being careful not to make any assurances but all the girl heard was that her party was saved.
“Oh Charlie you are a life saver” she said and gave Charlie a peck on both her cheeks.
“You two go back to the party, I’ll get someone to check for the ice”
“I’ll do it!” Sammy volunteered immediately, the thought of going back into the party just made her want to take to her heels.
“You sure?” Charlie asked and she nodded, anything to get a few moments away from those awful girls.
“Good. I’ll go start up the games, Charlie come with me” Alex said and then dragged Charlie off.

ENTANGLED: A McCarthy Love Story Where stories live. Discover now