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Sunday went by as a bit of a blur. True to her words Charlie was the first person she saw in the morning and they spent the entire day getting her familiar with the property, she introduced her to the staff and everyone that was available for introduction.
The woman sure did talk a lot but Sammy couldn't complain, she enjoyed her company which was weird because she didn't enjoy spending time with a lot of people. And it seemed like Charlie genuinely liked her too because she was very friendly.

The three ladies, Charlie, Alex and Sammy had lunch that afternoon and after which they all dispersed. Alex had asked if she wanted to join her to go shopping but she decided it was best she didn't and Charlie? That one just wanted to crawl into her husband arms. She had said earlier that her husband was being clingy but Sammy had a feeling the clingy went both ways. So after she went up to her room she called Vicky just to let her know she was still alive but that had turned into a two hour phone conversation because Vicky wanted to know every tiny detail and had asked a ton of questions after that she decided to take a well-deserved nap.

SAMANTHA BAKER WASN'T much of an eater, not just because she could most times barely afford herself the standard three squared meal but also because she was a really shitty cook and Vicky would say because she was lazy too. But now she was eating for two and the growling in her tommy she would have normally ignored she now couldn't.

She looked at the time on her phone and it read twelve eleven, the well-deserved nap had turned into a well-deserved slumber and she had ended up missing dinner.

Charlie did say she could use the kitchen anytime right? But did anytime also include twelve in the morning when everyone was probably asleep?She didn't want to be caught wondering about their home in the middle of the night but when her stomach growled again it forced her to sit up. She had had lunch, right? So why was her belly crying like it hadn't been fed in days?
Maybe just a glass of water or two, to drown the hunger, she thought and then decided to go down to the kitchen.

As expected the lights of the kitchen where out but from the windows facing outside there was enough light coming in that she decided not to bother with turning on the lights.
She tried not to make much noise as she made her way to the refrigerator, she had no idea why she was tiptoeing but she did it anyway. Helping herself to the carton of milk she poured the first glass and downed it in one gulp and then poured a second glass and decided to take it upstairs with her. She screwed the cap back on the milk and returned it to the fridge and then made her way out while carrying the glass she had poured.
She was almost out of the kitchen when she spotted the dark figure hunched over on one of the kitchen stools and it felt like it was staring directly at her, she let the glass of milk she held drop as she let out a scream.

The lights were on in seconds,
"Jesus Christ! Do you want to wake the whole fricking house?!" he asked looking panicked.

It was Niklaus. Shirtless, barefoot and ruffled hair but Niklaus McCarthy and not a serial killer.
She still didn't understand this recent obsession with serial killers, it must be the documentary Vicky made her watch last month.

Her hands immediately flew to her chest. Oh, thank God!

"I'm sorry, you startled me" she said really apologetic
"I was here first" he informed her dryly.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble"

That meant he had been watching her the whole time she had been tiptoeing around like a common thief. Her cheeks grew hot with embarrassment. She knelt to the floor immediately in an attempt to clean up the mess she made she began picking up the broken pieces of the glass cup she held earlier.

ENTANGLED: A McCarthy Love Story Where stories live. Discover now