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The flight from Texas to New York was the longest Sammy had ever been in, it didn’t help that Nick wasn’t talking to her. It had been radio silence since breakfast yesterday and she marvelled at how he was able to always switch off and on, one minute they were best of friends and the next he couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with her. It was exhausting trying to keep up with him.
She threw a glance his way and saw he was in a deep conversation with the hostess that was waiting on them and then they laughed and Sammy felt like someone was stomping on her heart. It wasn’t jealousy, she told herself, it was just a rightful reaction when a ‘your friend’ was almost flirting with a girl that looked like that. No it wasn’t, she was deluding herself with the idea that she had just platonic feelings for Nick because honestly, it had just been platonic until they had kissed. It had been platonic until she started noticing the things that she wasn’t supposed to, until she began thinking about him day and night and not in a platonic way.
The hostess laughed again and Sammy watched her pull at her neatly packed hair, she rolled her eyes and threw her face out the window, if Nick was just going to pretend like she didn’t exist then she was going to let him, as a matter of fact she already made up her mind that she didn’t want to be his friend anymore. Vicky was her friend, Charlie was her friend  even Alex was her friend and all these people didn’t leave her feeling like a crazy person, they didn’t make her question all her life decisions and they certainly didn’t make her feel like a fool at every opportunity.
They had had a great time the other day, at least a great time in Sammy’s book. They’d talked, laughed and even enjoyed each other’s company but then all she got afterwards was the silent treatment and she couldn’t understand why.

Their plane landed five hours before the time to the gala and Nick dumped her in five-star hotel suite, he introduced her to Charlie’s stylist, Laura and said he would send a car to pick her up later. A car, he wasn’t coming. She tried to remember why she had been so excited that they were going to this thing together but nothing came to her mind. Laura brought in her team that consisted of two more people that were going to be helping with the transition and Sammy thought that was a bit of an exaggeration, she didn’t need this much people just to put on a dress and tidy herself up a bit but at the end it turned out she did.
When Joe, the only guy in the team had said he was going to be styling her hair Sammy almost laughed, she wore her hair really short for the exact reason to avoid having to style it.
There was a lot of waxing and probing and a lot of shiny things that made Sammy’s heart flutter and it took all of the five hours they had to turn her into someone she couldn’t recognize and then she understood how Cinderella felt after the fairy godmother was done with her. It was more like magic because the person she was staring at in the mirror even had cleavage and a feminine figure in the dress they put her in. The shoe was a whole other thing, it took more than a few tries to be able to stand in it and a lot more than that to be able to walk in them. It was a good thing that Laura and her team were really patient and nice.

*  *  *  *  *  *

Nick laughed at something the Russian heiress had said it wasn’t particularly funny but he was hoping that her family would do business with Luxury in the near future and since he was planning on going back to work soon it wouldn’t hurt to be very acquainted with her. He couldn’t stop his eyes from wondering to the entrance every now and again, she was late. He should have gone ahead to pick her up himself, he should call make sure everything was going according to plan. He wrapped his hand around the phone in his pocket and then decided against calling, he didn’t want to seem too eager even though the wait was killing him for reasons he barely understood.
He hadn’t spoken to her since after their Wednesday night escapade but it wasn’t from lack of trying , it was just that how they ended things that night left him tongue tied whenever they were in a room together.
She had given him a peck on the cheek when he told her to head on up that he would clean everything up, just to show gratitude he assumed but as soon as she was close enough his hand automatically wrapped itself around her waist and his nostrils had opened twice their normal size and was filled with her scent. She didn’t wear any perfume but she smelled as nice as if she did and he found himself inhaling deeply. But that wasn’t the worst part of it all, the worst part was that he had spent the first half of the night dreaming about her and the next half thinking about all the things he wanted to do with her. She drove him wild without even trying and that was what worried him because lord only knew what would happen when she tried.

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