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❝   Nothing passed between us

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Nothing passed between us...As you said, I'm a Lady and you're a Prince

DISCLAIMER: little spicy scene in the beginning. don't say i didn't warn you.

——— BREATHING DEEPLY, CONTROLLING HER NERVES, Kaarina gazed out her window in her bed chambers. The same bed chambers she's resided in for the past five years.

It wasn't long after Kaarina and Thor were engaged that Thor and Loki left for Midgard. And Kaarina could admit that she struggled afterwards.

She was moved into the Palace, becoming an official Lady of the Royal Court. And Rune had a choice between living with her parents or living at the Palace. She very quickly chose her sister. She had loved staying there for that one month, and anywhere Kaarina was, Rune wanted to be. Asmund had returned to Vanaheim, but visited quite often. Kaarina and Rune had even gone to visit him when they received the shocking news he was getting married.

As the next five years passed, Kaarina had become more confident in herself now that she'd been away from her parents' reach for so long. She was greeted respectfully by guards and other Asgardians of the court. She'd make decisions that Prince Thor usually would have. She was already taking on the role as Queen, although Queen Frigga was still alive and well. The current Queen had been teaching Kaarina and the Lady had never been more grateful.

With Prince Thor gone, going along with him, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, Triston Thorson was under the care of Kaarina. So while Kaarina had been building up trust within the Royal court, she was as well taking care of the boy.

After five years, he still looked like a three-year old in human years. Although he was actually sixty-years old, but with how slow Asgardians aged, he still looked like a baby.

So much time had passed, so many things changed in the past five years, but one thing had remained — Kaarina's thoughts. She had thought of one thing every morning and every night for the past five years. His mint scent, his blue eyes, his black hair, that annoying charming smile.

The last night before he left, Prince Loki lightly knocked on Kaarina's bed chambers but it opened up. It wasn't fully closed so he took it upon himself to walk inside, finding the chambers filled with boxes of her things. She had yet to unpack yet all while she stood by her window. She was wearing a dark green maiden dress, her curly hair reaching down all the way to her waist. With the moon shining down on her, she looked ridiculously beautiful, it wasn't fair. None of this was fair.

"My Lady...?" She hesitantly pulled her attention from the window to the Prince standing in her room. The Prince she hated herself for wanting. He was holding a stack of books, she noticed. They stared at each other a moment before he pulled his eyes away from her, turning to a nearby table and placing the books down, "Here's more books from the cave...if you still desire to learn more about your magic..."

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