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Y/N didn't find the ceiling particularly interesting; in fact, it was the only thing that saved them from becoming bored. Sure, there were other things they could do except look at their ceiling, but ignoring the phone so it felt horrible and worked faster was the greatest approach to solve a problem. Y/N adopted that strategy, checking their phone a minute later to see that the screen was indeed on, but their lock-screen wallpaper had changed to one that Y/N had not changed manually. It had a colorful background with words that appeared to be written on it that said, 'You Look Divine, Neighbor.' Y/N looked at the paintbrush protruding from the bottom left corner of the screen but couldn't figure out who it belonged to.

Perhaps this was merely a byproduct of clicking on Wally's house. Perhaps the ARG websites did this on purpose to give viewers a creepy feeling or a sense of realistic angst. Y/N let out a little uneasy giggle, peering at the screen for a second before unlocking their phone to find it was still on the ARG page, but it claimed that Y/N had wandered too far away and needed to return home. Y/N eventually refreshed the page to return to the main screen, only to run into another problem—let's call it an unforeseen issue. The screen went black again, but this time it didn't crash Y/N's phone; instead, it progressively depicted Wally seated in a dimly lit room.

Wally appeared to be sitting with his legs crossed and his elbow resting on the armrest of his multicolored chair, which supported his head. They appeared to be staring at the the screen, namely at Y/N. Text began to appear slowly on the screen, asking, "Are you all right?" Y/N remained mute while they processed what was going on. Perhaps this was an interactive page in the ARG. "Yes, I'm fine..." Y/N responded, not sure if a vocal response was preferable or if they needed to respond by typing on their keyboard, but Wally seemed to respond instantly with "That's good. Neighbor, I was concerned about you." Y/N raised an eyebrow in reaction to their response.

Why would they be concerned? It is said that Wally was a very friendly individual, so perhaps this behavior isn't surprising. "Why should you be worried?" Y/N inquired, examining the screen for any hidden hints or answers. There was no response put out, there was nothing for a time, but what changed were Wally's eyes. They appeared to be more dilated than usual. "Wally..?" Y/N mumbled in concern, blinking briefly before reopening to find Wally much closer to the screen, the colors now slightly faded. Something wasn't right. "Hey—" Y/N began to talk, but words began to appear on the screen again. This time, it asked an unusual and unexpected inquiry. "Do you see me?" Because Wally had not responded to their first question, Y/N concluded that this was a silly hoax created by the website.

In response, Y/N shook their head, opting for a nonverbal strategy to see what would happen. As Y/N watched the screen, it appeared like Wally's eyes were slightly shaking to this. The words on the screen slowly responded, "I can't see you... but I will soon. Goodbye, Neighbor." With Wally's parting statement, the screen switched back to the original ARG website. Y/N sat in silence, briefly scanning the webpage before laying a hand over their chest. It was just a sudden rush of uneasiness, and Y/N just glashlighted themselves into thinking the ARG did a fantastic job on this anxiety concept.

Y/N swiped away from this page while closing the tab and shutting their preferred web browser. They quickly turned off their phone and turned it back on to find that their lock-screen had restored to normal. That's when Y/N tossed their phone onto the bed before taking a step off their bed and stretching lightly. It was already dark. Y/N has not yet eaten and intends to do so right now. They were aware that the fridge had little or nothing that could be used to prepare a full course meal. So either Y/N attempted to make anything or ordered delivery. Obviously delivery.

Y/N had an Ipad/Tablet lying around on the couch that they didn't buy. It was given to them as a present. Y/N had average finance and was a little frugal with money, but they were grateful for this gift nevertheless. Y/N ordered from a restaurant they hadn't tried in a while and waited roughly 20-25 minutes for it to arrive. Meanwhile, Y/N relaxed comfortably on the couch, planning to locate a wonderful video or movie to watch when their food arrived. While they were doing so, Y/N noticed something peering at their screen as well, but from behind, and swiftly turned their head to realize it was the stray cat.

Y/N exhaled a sigh of relief as they laid the device down on the coffee table. "Don't frighten me like that, Lelouch." Y/N stood up to open the curtains more to observe the stray cat resting down on the window frame. Unlocking the window, Y/N rapidly scratched and rubbed lelouch for being so cute. The stray cat later hopped into the house, prompting Y/N to close the window, lock it, and draw the curtains. This stray has been medically treated and healthy since Y/N saved it one day from becoming roadkill; it was like having a distant family member from how this cat seemed so independent. While holding their head lightly, Y/N went to give Lelouch some food to keep them occupied.

Maybe Y/N reacted strongly to being startled like that. Those eyes. Someone staring so intensely reminded them of Wally's oddness. Y/N shook their head, slipping their palm down to cup their cheek in apparent distress. Before returning to the couch, Y/N laid the bowl down for Lelouch. It wasn't long before Y/N's dinner arrived, which immediately boosted their spirits. When Y/N opened the door, they were met by the person who was delivering the goods. "Order for Y/N L/N?" The man stated pleasantly. Y/N grinned at their cheerful attitude and rewarded the driver extra for handling the meal nicely. Y/N waved goodbye as they parted ways, closing their door behind them.

Y/N now enjoyed their hot food while viewing their film till it was time to clean up and prepare for bed. The meal was delicious, and it left Y/N feeling very weary. They allowed Lelouch to accompany them as they dragged themselves to their bathroom, which was linked to their bedroom. It was already 10 p.m. when Y/N checked the clock. A reasonable time to sleep. Because the restroom was dark, Y/N closed the door behind them without turning on the lights. They subsequently flicked the switch just to witness the lights flickering all of a sudden, leading Y/N to tilt their head up in astonishment. The lights were working as good as new yesterday, what was happening now?

Y/N furrowed their brows slightly, expecting the lights would be fixed in a few minutes as they went about their nightly routine. When Y/N gazed in the mirror, their reflection appeared distorted, as if they were more cartoonish than human. Y/N averted their gaze for a moment, shaking their head, before returning their gaze to the mirror. It was now just them and how Y/N was intended to seem. Y/N moved closer to the mirror to see if they had any apparent bags, but as they were inches from from the mirror, they heard a gentle "hello...," prompting them to back away immediately and look around.

As they peeked behind the shower curtain to see whether anyone was there, the lights seemed to get darker by the second, making Y/N's heart beat faster. They looked in the toilet, the cabinet, and even punched the towel, but no one was there. Y/N carefully turned their head to the mirror, noticing that their reflection was standing stationary despite the fact that Y/N was turned to the side. The mirror had those piercing eyes and that all-too-familiar smile. Y/N couldn't say anything, and it got worse as their head began to cramp as they stared back at their reflection. The more tense Y/N's head became, the more the reflection began to resemble Wally of all people.

Their smile seemed to grow bigger and more wicked until a lovely flow of words was whispered, "I can see you now..." This led Y/N to widen their eyes as the reflection appeared to reach for them. Y/N stepped away from the mirror, panting quietly from the circumstance, and it didn't help that they were exhausted. Wally appeared to have their torso out of the mirror and supported themselves up by their hand as they instinctively gazed back at Y/N, now backed up against a wall. Before Y/N knew it, they had slid down the wall in terror and passed out. The last thing they saw was Lelouch, who was remarkably calm about the whole situation and stared down at a now sleeping Y/N with their big yellow eyes.

All Seeing Eyes (Wally Darling x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now