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Y/N stood in the living room, arms crossed beneath their chest, peering down at Wally, who had hung their head low. It took about an hour of going back and forth about the toast situation. Wally sat on a stool near the corner, a sweat on his temples as he put his hands in his lap. He looked up at Y/N, who seemed upset with him, and smiled nervously. "Neighbor, I've already said I'm so—" Y/N cut them off by raising one finger to get them to hush up. The more they interacted with Wally like a mother scolding their child, the less Y/N was wary of them. "Uh uh uh. Not hearing it. You will remain in timeout and will only go when I say so."

Wally fiddled with their fingers somewhat, now flashing a closed-eye smile at Y/N, hoping they didn't mean it. "Aw, don't be like that, dear... I'll make it up to you." He said softly, opening his eyes, hoping to persuade Y/N to let him out of the corner. Y/N seemed dubious, but their tiny blush was adorable on them. Y/N avoided eye contact with Wally, who appeared to gain confidence now that he had Y/N back on his strand and cocked his head slightly in amusement. "..How are you even going to make it up to me?" Y/N spoke up, their foot lightly tapping on the ground.

Wally hummed in response, considering what they should do after finishing all of Y/N's toast. A minute later, he had an bright idea and moved forward slightly, placing their hands on the edge of the stool he was sitting on. "A lovely dinner. Between the two of us.. it would make up for lost time, Neighbor. Do you want that?" Y/N considered Wally's suggestion; a dinner would be wonderful, but how could they possibly have a dinner with a 12 apple tall puppet who seemed smug most of the time, it's uncanny! "Y/N..?" Wally gently called out after not hearing a response from them. Y/N remained silent, half-rolling their eyes before heading off to their bedroom. "I'll have to think about it. You get 10 minutes time. After that, you can leave that corner."

Y/N needed to get away from Wally because the longer they stayed, the more likely they were to accept their offer. No matter how enticing, the apple must remain unharmed. Y/N let out a slight sigh as they walked a short distance from the hallway to their bedroom door, which swung open and shut behind them partially. Y/N had other things to do, and babysitting Wally was not going to be one of them. In fact, where did Lelouch disappear to? Probably somewhere outside. Y/N collapsed into the bed first, checking their phone for updates. They only had a few notifications from apps they'd downloaded at random.

Y/N chose to just listen to music on their speaker at a low-medium volume while cleaning up their room. Their room was reasonably clean, although it might have been cleaner, with the haphazard collection of mail and clothes not properly arranged in the drawers. It was humiliating to think that this was what Wally had seen before meeting Y/N. While cleaning up, some of Y/N's favorite musicians began to play, causing them to sway slightly and sing weakly to the melody. Wally, on the other hand, was amazed to see Y/N partially reject their offer and still getting corner time. He sat there with his hands cupped together, longingly staring at Y/N's house walls after they've left him alone.

'Ten minutes.' Wally mused to himself, his gaze gradually turning to the covered window. It reminded him of home now that he was focused on it. He was alone, in a house, in his solitude, and his pervious source of consolation was Home's gaze. Their eyes, as well as their whole essence. Wally did sweat as his thoughts ran wild, ripping his attention reluctantly away to focus them this time on the ground. "Oh, Y/N... this isn't very neighborly of you.." Wally murmured to himself, getting a somewhat unhinged smile and resting his head on a neighboring wall. He silently counted the seconds till he could return back to Y/N and cherish their presence once more.

Y/N placed a basket on top of their bed while holding a couple shirts on their right forearm. They placed a pair of shoes on the closet floor after almost tripping over them twice. They returned to the bed, placing the shirts resting on their arm onto bedsheets and started to fold one carefully to place inside the basket. The music that was currently playing was something Y/N had not heard in a long time, and it seemed like such a nostalgia to them. Slow, with hints of pop and r&b; delicate jazz could be a better choice of word.  Y/N's eyes light up as they recall how they used to listen to them all the time and how they caught themselves singing a few of their lyrics while folding their clothes.

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