-ˋˏ ༻Unspoken Strings༺ ˎˊ-

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You were left alone once more. The colorful exterior now appeared to be a façade, concealing the unsettling truths that lay beneath the surface of this peculiar neighborhood.

The mysterious red envelopes were still on the kitchen counter and ground of the refrigerator, their contents a haunting reminder of the cryptic messages from ⊑⍜⋔⟒. With a sigh, you decided to tackle the difficult task of deciphering the messages in the envelopes. As you carefully unfolded each letter, strange symbols appeared to dance before your eyes, mocking your attempts to decipher their meaning.

Frustration gnawed at you as you attempted to make sense of the incomprehensible language. Who was ⊑⍜⋔⟒, and what did they expect from you? You have several guesses, but maybe the obvious answer isn't always the true one.

The sense of urgency and foreboding grew stronger with each passing moment, fueling your determination to find the truth.  You were so lost in your thoughts that you almost missed the faint sound of scratching outside.

Curiosity piqued, and you cautiously approached the window and peered out. To your surprise, you noticed a figure lurking in the shadows, obscured by the darkness of night. Despite its lack of distinguishing features, you couldn't shake the impression that it was watching you; its gaze fixed on your home with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine.

Fear gripped your heart as you backed away from the window. Someone—or something—was lurking in the darkness, and it appeared determined to keep you trapped within its grasp. With trembling hands, you reached for your F/C vintage rotary telephone on the vanity table, intending to call for help. But as your fingers brushed against the cold surface of the device, you paused.

Who'd believe your story? Who could you believe in this twisted reality where nothing was what it seemed?

It might be the stupidest idea that decided to pop in your head. Out of spite, you approach your front door. As you slowly turned the doorknob and pulled the door open, a rush of cold air greeted you, carrying with it a sense of dread that seemed to permeate the entire atmosphere. And standing before you, bathed in the dim glow of the moonlight, was a figure cloaked in shadow, its features hidden from view.

"Y/N," a voice whispered, barely audible but resonating with an otherworldly power that sent shivers down your spine. "You cannot leave Welcome Home. Accept your fate; you will remain here."

With a sinking feeling in your stomach, you realized your journey was far from over and ⊑⍜⋔⟒ was just the start of a dark and twisted mystery that threatened to consume you whole. But as the figure vanished into the night, leaving you alone in the oppressive silence, you realized you had no choice but to face the horrors that awaited you in this strange and incomprehensible world.

With a deep breath, you stepped out into the darkness, braced for the challenges that lay ahead. Sike. There's always another time to do this, and going out in the dark meant you were going to be that entity's meal.

You shut the door, locking it shut and also locking every window in the process. You get ready in your F/C nightwear and sleeping mask to go to bed. Somehow, this house already has a fully decked-out wardrobe, which isn't weird at all.

You close your eyes in an attempt to sleep and deal with your ongoing dilemma tomorrow. You waited in tense silence for hours until exhaustion took hold of you, and you dozed off with jumbled dreams and muffled voices echoing in the back of your mind.

When you awoke the next morning, the previous night seemed like a distant memory, shrouded in the haze of sleep. You walked downstairs with trepidation, your steps echoing in the house's empty silence. The red envelopes remained scattered in the kitchen, a stark reminder of the mysteries that awaited you.

A sudden knock on the door startled you and interrupted your thoughts.  You took cautious steps toward the entrance, your heart pounding in your chest as you grasped the doorknob and pulled it open. To your surprise, Frank Frankly was standing on the doorstep this early morning, his gruff demeanor softened by a concerned expression. "Y/N," he said, his voice soft. "I'd like to have a word with you."

As you stood there, the morning sunlight filtering through the doorway, Frank's presence provided a ray of hope amid the darkness that seemed to engulf Welcome Home. But the gravity in his voice hinted at bigger problems lurking beneath the surface of this strange neighborhood. This is a surprise. Y/N thought she would be the one to approach first.

"Come in, Frank," You invited, moving aside to let him in. Frank entered with a cautious nod, scanning the room before noticing the red letters scattered around. "What is going on, Frank? Is everything okay?" you inquired, your tone tinged with concern.

Frank met your gaze, and for a moment, his stern demeanor softened, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "No, Y/N, everything is not alright," he admitted, his voice low. "You should be aware of certain... aspects of Welcome Home. Things no one else will tell you." Your heart quickened at his words, and a sense of foreboding fell over you like a heavy blanket. What dark secrets are hidden within this seemingly idyllic neighborhood? Would Frank tell you?

Frank looked around the room once more before meeting your gaze. "I've lived in Welcome Home for longer than I care to remember," he said, his tone solemn. "And I've seen things—things that defy explanation. There's a darkness here, Y/N, a darkness that preys on those who dare to question its existence."

You listened intently as Frank's words sank in. "What do you mean, Frank? I can feel something is off, but can you tell me who or what it is?" you asked, barely above a whisper. Frank hesitated, as if grappling with his own inner demons, before finally speaking. "There are forces at work in Welcome Home that we cannot understand. There are those who will go to any length to keep this place's secrets safe."

A shiver ran down your spine as he spoke, the pieces of the puzzle gradually falling into place. The mysterious figure in the shadows, the cryptic messages from ⊑⍜⋔⟒, and the sense of unease that seemed to permeate every corner of this neighborhood—all were pieces of a larger, more sinister puzzle.

"Why me, Frank? Why have I been brought here?" You inquired, desperation creeping into your tone.  Frank's face darkened, his eyes reflecting the weight of the knowledge he carried. "I wish I had some answers for you, Y/N. However, some questions are best left unanswered." As the gravity of Frank's words sank in, you felt a surge of determination come over you. You may not have all of the answers, but you refused to be a pawn in whatever twisted game was being played at Welcome Home.

With newfound resolve, you fixed your gaze on Frank. "Whatever secrets Welcome Home hides, Frank, I intend to reveal them and help you guys. I know it's a lot to ask, but will you help me?" Frank returned your gaze with a solemn nod, his expression firm. "I'll do whatever I can, Y/N. Without being too obvious. We all feel it; at least, I hope most of us do." All this happening in the morning is just your morning coffee for today.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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