Pennies From Heaven

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We all walk home after being at Ben's place and finding out what the little history project was. It was certainly interesting to know what it all was. The people missing at a higher rate than the rest of the country is disturbing though. Beverly ended up leaving before I did, mainly because of her dad being controlling. I hope she's safe. I went to my room in the apartment and grabbed my guitar and it's case. It's not the best case or the finest guitar but you can only get so much. I took it with me to the town square and sat right at the edge of the fountain. Watching as the sun slowly went west. I got out the guitar and smiled as I watched some birds go by, almost seemed like crows.

I smile as I tuned my guitar and then started strumming. I kept strumming and began to sing, "wouldn't it be beautiful..."

I hummed after a while of singing so my throat wouldn't become sore. I then hear a noise that sounded like a nursery rhyme but creepier. I looked around and saw a single red balloon float past me, just like the red balloon I saw at the quarry. I quickly put my guitar in its case and ran off, not knowing if that weird clown would be nearby or not. I ran until I was almost to the apartment building when I see a bunch of huge spiders crawling around the building.

"H-Holy shit," I exclaim as I turn and run away. I ended up dropping my guitar and heard a soft crack. Hopefully it isn't an expensive break. I kept going, trying to ignore that problem, and end up running straight into what was a cloud of red balloons. I stare and see there was the clown again.

"You'll float too," it said.

I looked at it with an almost disgusted expression and turn back around to see no giant spiders. After that, I hear running and turn back to see the clown running after me. I run away and pick up my guitar then run to the building and into my apartment. I went into my room, hyperventilating. I checked my guitar to see if it was okay and it had fallen out of tune and that it was slightly chipped.

"Thank God it's not too bad," I say with a sigh of relief. I then hear a tapping sound on my window and move the blinds to see the clown.

It smashes the window with his hand and screams, "you'll float too, Y/N! You'll float too! Just like Georgie! Just like Betty! You'll float too!"

I scream and cover my face and ears from it and start to cry. When I look back up, it disappeared and left me with glass all around me. I have to tell Bev.

Beverly's POV
I sit in my bathtub as I hear a random voice ring out from near the sink.

"Beverly. Beverly. Help me. Help me, please," I hear as I walk up to the sink. I then hear multiple voices belt out multiple phrases at once. I look down the drain in confusion. I glance over at the door then go out and get a tape measure. I lower it into the drain, shocked how far down it goes. It stopped going down further so I pulled it back out, with the lower part becoming covered with blood and what looked like hair stuck to it. Whatever that string like object was started to wrap around my arms as I try to pull it off. It grabbed my closer to the drain and wrapped around me more. Blood starts to spout out of the drain then shoots up towards my face and around the bathroom. The string things let me go when the blood shot out, I backed away. Screaming and sobbing, as I move back to the tub. More blood shot out of the sink, covering the rest of the room, making everything, everything, red.

My dad enters the room and looks at me with almost a glare, "what the hell's going on?"

"Th-Th-The sink... And the blood... It's..."

"What blood?"

"The sink. You don't see it," I ask glancing around at all the blood in the room, "There was blood."

He looks at me like I'm crazy and speaks up, "You worry me, Bevvie. You worry me a lot."

"But don't you see," I whisper out in confusion.

"Why'd you do this to your hair? Makes you look like a boy," he glares at me then walks out of the room.

I shake softly with more tears in my eyes at what happened. I get out and try to go to my room to change clothes and while walking out, hear a knock at the front door. I get to it first and see Y/N. I give a soft smile and welcome her in.

Third Person
Y/N followed Beverly into her room, closing the door due to being behind her.

"Why are you covered in blood," Y/N questioned.

"Y-You can see it too?"

"Yeah," Y/N says with confusion.

"My dad couldn't see it at all. There's blood all over the bathroom and he could t see it," she said changing out of the blood covered clothes into something clean.

"Can I see it," Y/N asks about the bathroom.

Beverly nods and takes Y/N over to the bathroom and opens the door. Y/N stares at it in disbelief and horror as it is fully drenched in blood.

"This is worse than what I saw," Y/N comments.

"What did you see," Beverly asks as they go back to her room.

Y/N sits on Bev's bed and turns to her, "well I first saw these giant spiders because I'm not down with them y'know. Then I ended up running away from them and into this like cloud of red balloons and then I saw this clown. I then ran away from the clown and then went to my room and the clown knocked on the window and shattered the glass!"

"You saw that?"

"Yeah and it kept saying 'you'll float too' and then named off some people. He said Georgie and Betty."

"Aren't those some of the missing kids," Beverly asked softly.

I just then realized everything, the kids missing, the statistics of murders and missing people being higher here than other places, the first few people of the township going missing.

"It has to be the thing doing everything. All the missing people. It's that or a really creepy coincidence."

I'm sorry about the spiders, arachnophobia is the most common fear so I thought it would be easy to do for this chapter.

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