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Third Person
Stan end sup wandering off on his, with Richie pointing it out. Ben and Bill go into an area, looking for Stan. Everyone worried and looking for him now too. They all end up hearing a scream coming from the curly haired boy and run towards the sound. They had to forcefully push a door down to get to where Stan ended up. They all saw Stan with that strange lady trying to eat his face. They get him away and end up seeing the lady disappear and Pennywise come out in her place. Stan then went into hysterics, freaking out that he had to be there in the first place. Stan ended up blaming Bill and they all end up seeing a figure that looked like Georgie. That figure ran away, with Bill following him.

They other boys ended up having to follow and looking for Bill. Bill ended up running down other passages to follow the thing that looked like 'Georgie,' only to end up right where Beverly and Y/N had been earlier. Bill followed it more to end up seeing both girls levitating in the air.

"Beverly! Y/N," he yelled.

He ran towards where the middle of both of them were. Both of them still in the air. Both girls had a blank expression and glossy eyes. He was about to grab one of them before seeing the figure again. He then ran after the so called Georgie, with the other boys close behind. They then end up in what's considered Pennywise's lair. Bill followed the figure until he saw 'Georgie' fully in his sight. The group was right behind and saw the two girls through the hatch where they were midair. All of them shocked.

The group looked up above the mountain, with Eddie questioning what they were seeing, "Guys... are those...?"

"The missing kids... floating," Stan said bluntly.

Mike and Richie helped Ben get Y/N down from her suspension while Eddie and Stan got Beverly down from hers. The two girls still had the glossy eyes when they were down to the boy's eye levels. Ben attempted to hug Y/N to no avail. He then, as a last resort, kisses Y/N. The other boys looked in surprise as Y/N ended up waking up from happened to her.

She then smiles, "Wow, Benny. Didn't think you'd kiss me."

Y/N then looked over towards Beverly, noticing she still had glossy eyes, "Bevvie?"

She went over to Beverly and had tears in her eyes. She hugged her best friend and saw how nothing helped so instead she kissed her best friends cheek.

"Oooh," Richie says as Beverly ended up waking up.

Y/N rolled her eyes and hugged Beverly, happy to know she was safe.

"Wait, where's Bill," Beverly asked.

The group looked around and went the direction Bill ended up going. The group walked up behind Bill to see a being that looked like Georgie. They all looked at it, wondering what was going on.

"Georgie," Bill spoke sadly.

"What took you so long," the being asked Bill.

"I was looking for you this whole time."

"I couldn't find my way out of here. He said I could have my boat back, Billy."

Bill smiled softly, "Was she fast?"

"I couldn't keep up with it," 'Georgie' told him.

"'She,' Georgie. We call boats 'she.'"

"Take me home, Billy," 'Georgie' wept. The group looked surprised at the sight of Bill's missing brother asked of him. Bill sadly looked at it and shot him. He then ended up finding a part of Georgie's raincoat and he held it as he cried. The group surrounded him with a hug because at that point, they knew he shouldn't be alone.

After they got out they ended up right next to a creek. Both Beverly and Y/N explained what they saw, or at least what they chose to share from that experience. Then they made the promise. The one and only promise that if It, Pennywise, ever came back, they'd come back too. After they made that promise the group left one by one, until it was the four left. Ben, Bill, Y/N, and Beverly. They had all stayed back. Well they somewhat did. Ben and Y/N left together, sharing a final kiss together.

After a while, Beverly ended up leaving to go live with her aunt, giving Bill one last kiss before she left. Y/N gave her a trinket box to remember the group by so she would never forget any of them. After the group separated from that, Ben went to Y/N and offered her her favorite flower. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and they left to go their separate ways for that night.

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