It has You

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Third Person
Bill goes to Beverly's, expecting to meet up with her. He goes into her apartment, hoping to find her. All he ends up finding is her father on the ground, unconscious. He treads his way into her bathroom and sees 'You Die If You Try' written out in blood on the wall. He then goes down to Y/N's apartment, knowing that they live in the same building. The door was unlocked so he pushed his way through and saw nothing. He then went towards the bathroom, the door slightly ajar. He pushed it open and found Ben.

"B-Ben," Bill asked, "what are you doing h-here?"

"I was hoping to talk to Y/N about something but instead found this," Ben said pointing to the 'You Die If You Try' slogan written against the bathroom wall.

"T-That was i-in Bev's bathroom too..." Bill trails off.

"Then let's go get the gang," Ben said, "It has to be that clown's fault!"

Bill nods his head and tells Ben that he'll get Richie and Eddie. Ben agreed that Stan and Mike would be easy for him to get, since they were more obvious about where they'd be compared to the other two, or at least compared to Richie. Bill got his two first and they met up with Ben and his two at the house on Neibolt street. The boys were all together again. Eddie took off his Fanny pack and threw it to the side while Bill picked up two metal poles that were from the fence. Richie found a beer bottle and smashed it against the states to use as a possible weapon but broke it too much where it was too short. He then threw it aside with a shrug as he looked at the group. The all went in except for Stan. Stan stood at the doorway, not wanting to go in and feel that fear of the woman again. He was then told that speech that Bill said. Bill was always persuasive. He followed inside after the little speech, knowing that if he didn't go in he'd regret it for the rest of his life. Bill led the group down to the basement, where the well was spotted last time. Ben looked down it and called for Beverly and Y/N, hoping they were safe. Mike questioned the group on how they were getting down in the first place to get to the two girls. Bill ended up looking around and found a rope. They ended up securing it and Bill grabbed hold of it. He chose to go down first, with Eddie following right behind him. They all went down until they saw a passageway.

Both of us woke up and looked at each other.

"Beverly, where are we," I ask. She shrugs in confusion.

Blood was dripping around us onto the floor and onto our faces. We finally got up and looked around. Piles of toys and childish items. We kept looking around and then ended up falling down a deep hole, both of us screaming at the same time. We finally get down to another part of the ground and look up. There we saw multiple bodies levitating.

"A-Are those," I ask.

"The missing kids," Bev answered with sadness in her eyes and voice.

"We need to get out of here," I say.

We both run towards a nearby doorway and try to open it. We try to open it as best as we could and then hear a voice. A voice like no other, It.

"Step right up, girls. Step right up," It slyly said. We turned around to see it and a musical box started playing too. "Come change. Come float. You'll laugh. You'll cry. You'll cheer. You'll die. Introducing Pennywise the Dancing Clown," It exclaimed, laughing maniacally. A replica of him pops out of the musics Jack in the Box.

We both watch as the wall lowers, revealing a stage. A strange smoke starts to come from it as circus like music starts to play. Pennywise emerged and started dancing around as we both watch in horror. We try to run out of there again but just like the speed of light, Pennywise jumps out in front of us and grabs us both. He held us both by the throat as we tried to get out of his grasp. He then pulled us closer, his mouth opened more, showing numerous rows of sharp teeth. There were also lights, bright lights. After that it became almost dark, like we were in a coma.

Third Person
As the two girls started to float, Mike was about to go down the well. Little did he know, He du was silently behind him. As Henry attacked, gaining everyone's attention, he had screamed 'die' at Mike. The bots had all returned to the top of the well, to see if Mike was okay. When they were up there they found Henry. Henry then laughed evilly, ignoring the group's questions about Mike, and started pulling the rope up. The boys couldn't grab it in time to keep it from going to their tormentor. Henry threw the rope next to where Mike laid on the ground. Henry went on a tirade about how Mike should've stayed away, which pissed him off. Mike picked up his gun. Henry then grabbed it from him, cocked it and pointed it towards Mike's forehead. Mike then managed to get the gun away from Henry and pulled the trigger. He then grabbed a rock and was able to use it to hit Henry and get him down the well. Henry fell down it, screaming in pain. Mike then appeared to the group that had been in the well, showing that he was okay.

"I'm okay. I'm okay," Mike tells them.

"Now let's go get Y/N and Beverly," Ben says, relieved that Mike was okay.

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