|20| Rory

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I'd like to say that I'm not excited, but I kind of am

Today Travis is taking me out for lunch, slowly but surely I'm starting to trust him. We've actually texted quite a few times and I'm proud of myself for starting some of those conversations, he's so weird but.... not like weird weird, he's funny weird.

"Can I borrow those?"

Carmen takes off her earrings before handing them to me, "Guys I'm graduating soon" She says excitedly

"We know", Lola, Daniel and me say at the same time

"Ok that was rude"

My phone buzzes

Travis: I'm outside


I pick up my hoodie, "Bye guys"

"Bye", They return

"C come shopping with me", I hear Lola say as I open the door

I am absolutely starving, and strangely I'm craving bagels, also I want a really large glass of coke. With extra ice. I literally couldn't sleep last night because that heat wave was so strong, it affected the whole house and me Matty, and Lola couldn't sleep. I think Carmen is the only person who can sleep through heat...

"Where you going?", Santi asks me as he walks over

"Umm just to the store with Hayley real quick"


"You can't come this time, I'll see you bye"

He frowns as I shut the door

I haven't exactly told my brother about Travis yet and it's not because I don't want to, I just haven't got around to it. Only my sisters know, and if this goes well for me then I'll tell Santiago for sure.

The sun was practically attacking me with its heat as I walked outside, I started to reconsider wearing this hoodie. Anyway I saw Travis' car parked across the road and when I tell you that it was beautiful? I meant it.

He drove a black Honda accord and it just looked so fresh, I don't know what it is with guys and black cars. All my brothers have their license, dad said he'd get Santi whatever car he wanted as long as the results from our finals were good. Me on other hand, I haven't got my license, I mean I want to but for now I think I'm ok with being a passenger princess.

When I open the door to his car I'm hit with a flush of cool air from the AC, "God that feels good" I say with relief

"I figured you'd say that", He replies as I shut my door

"Ok where are we going, and is it far? I'm starving"

Travis starts the car, "Don't worry I got you. It's a ten minute drive"

"Good", I reply as I tie my hair back

He analyses me, "Who you dressed all pretty for?"

I snort, "Myself"

"Uhuh right, I see you with those tiny shorts-

I scoff with amusement, "They're not tiny"

"Honestly I don't mind, you got sexy thighs-

I hit him playfully, "Travis"

He grins, "I'm playing. Let's go"

We had basic conversation as he drove through town, least favourite food, worst gift ever received, stuff we like to do in our spare time (I learned that he boxes sometimes what the heck).

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