~Chapter Six~

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            I needed to find Zander. I couldn't do this. What if even asking him to let me be with Zander was enough to enrage Founder Marco? What if Founder Marco retaliated and decided that Zander would make an excellent sacrifice at the beginning of next month? I doubted it would be me that he would tie to the Tree of the Chosen given the fact I needed to produce children for the village, but what if he did? What if he took my punishment out on Leanna? On mother? This was too risky... there was too much at stake... it endangered the people I cared about most. I could not be selfish... I had to do what I must. I would not allow them to suffer on my account... at least that much I could control. It wasn't much, but it granted me some solace in knowing that if I saw this through, they should all be safe.

           I stood before the river, the sound of rushing waters surging over rock was soothing. The buckets I carried were dropped and I took a moment to sit on the riverbank. No, there was no escaping Founder Marco's imminent will... he was to be obeyed not manipulated or questioned. I reached forward to let one of my hands feel the icy waters. How I wished for some divine intervention, for any kind of salvation to come bursting through the trees and free the village from Founder Marco's clutches... for someone to tell me there was more to this life than the confines of the village and obeying all orders other than your own. What if I could bend these waters to my will? What if I could control the tongues of flame that arose within the fireplaces...? Could I engulf the entire village in flame and fury? Unleash my rage and the pain that came from years of feeling powerless? Alas, I had wished that for years and no one had ever come... even now, I wished for it so badly I could feel the wetness of the tears in my eyes... but nothing had changed, and no salvation would come...

           ...I would face my fate alone.


            My bath had been cold... yet, as much as I hated the reason for doing it, I had needed one badly. I felt renewed seeing the layers of dirt, sweat, and grime being washed away. I was in the process of freeing my hair from tangles when mother entered the room I shared with Leanna. I stiffened, my hands momentarily freezing in my hair.

            She seemed as uncomfortable as I was. What a shame, I didn't care... I looked away and continued combing my fingers through my hair.

            "Eleyah, I..." she said hesitantly.

            "I would prefer to be left alone right now," I returned. "Please just go."

            She came closer. I gritted my teeth together.

            "I just wanted to give you this..." she continued. "We're nearly the same size... it should fit well." She went to hand the clothing she carried to me, but I didn't turn to look at her. She sighed and elected to leave it on the bed for me. "I'm... I'm so sorry Eleyah... I just... just do whatever he says, and it'll all be over soon..."

            Was that advice or was she pretending to care? At one point, I thought she cared... I at least thought she cared enough about me that perhaps she would have stood up for me and challenged Founder Marco. But then my thoughts from the river came back... what if she had thought the same thing? That if she opposed Founder Marco's wishes, he may just have me, or Leanna sacrificed to the Venge? It was possible... and it took some of the animosity I had for her away. A bit of tension was released from my shoulders. I did not thank her, nor did I say anything further... I had nothing really to say to her. I heard her retreating footsteps. Only then did I turn to look at the clothing she had left for me. It was a thin, creamy white gown... so thin it looked nearly see-through. I walked over and lifted it up to inspect it... it was the prettiest thing I had ever seen... the fabric was so soft I couldn't imagine how wonderful it would feel against my skin... I was entranced by it, forgetting momentarily why I had to wear it. I held the dress against me, the hem fell to my feet. If only I could wear this to bed each night... I should sleep like death had taken me in such soft fabrics...

            But the true reason for the gown was much more sinister and I knew I could not delay much longer. My hands worked on their own accord as they unbuttoned the back of the dress and I slipped inside. My eyes closed, unable to resist taking a moment to revel in the wonderful feeling of such soft, silky clothes upon my body... it was so different from the rough, worn clothes I wore each day to fight off the bitter cold. I let out a contented sigh, I should very much like to wear such dresses each day... the way it hugged my body so delicately and complemented my features so well invoked a rare feeling of confidence... assurance in who I was and rekindling my hopes that perhaps one day... I could enjoy dresses such as these whenever I pleased ... and do as I pleased...

          ... but this was just a dress and surely it was silly to let pieces of fabric sewn together make me feel so empowered... for now, it was time to go.

           I draped the long-hooded cloak I often wore over the dress, hiding its perfection beneath. I pulled my hair out, so it lay over the back of my cloak. The time was here now and there was nothing that could be done. For no matter how badly I desired it, the sun would not pause its descent from the sky... the moon would be out soon and already there would be a handful of stars to be seen. I stood alone in the room, tilting my chin up and trying to tell myself it was all going to be okay. I could get through this. I would endure and I would wait for the chance that maybe one day... I would get revenge... maybe one day, the village and the forest that surrounded would fall to my fury...

             ... maybe one day, but not today... and not tonight.

             My head hung low as I walked through the village. My hood sheltered me from curious eyes as villagers attended to their duties and chores before the night fell. Each step I took brought me closer to Founder Marco's eerie home... I could see it now only a short distance away... it stood taller than any other home in the village. The two windows I could see from this angel were covered up and sealed... either to keep the cold of winter out... or to keep eyes from peering in... and here I was practically on its doorstep. The dread was overwhelming, the fear overpowering as I neared the door. How I longed for a way to jump forward in time... to blink and the night would be over... this would all be over soon...

             ... it would all be over soon.

             My hand turned to a fist, and I knocked softly on the door. I wanted to run. I wanted to strike him. I wanted to burn this house down... anything but go inside and give myself to him. I could feel more tears pricking my eyes, but I bit down on my tongue to give my mind something else to focus on. I would not let my tears fall in front of him... he would not get the satisfaction. I would get through this with whatever dignity I could salvage.

             The door opened.

             "Eleyah," Founder Marco greeted, his voice sweet. "How wonderful it is to see you again, little lamb."

              My teeth clench so tightly at the sight of him... at the sound of that nickname I now detested that I heard a soft pop in my jaw. "You as well, Founder Marco," I managed to make myself speak.

             "Come inside and warm yourself," he mused, seeming to sense how tense I was. "I shall fix you something warm to drink." He stood to the side, allowing me entrance.

            I stared into the room behind him. It was just a room... in a house... but why did I feel that stepping forward was as though I were stepping into the forest... why did I feel as though I was stepping right into the mouth of the Venge?

            I stepped forward... 


Now would be a really good time for Eleyah to discover some superpower she didn't know she had... or for someone to come rushing to her rescue... Zander maybe? *spoilers* yeah, that's probably not gonna happen ;) It really sucks to be Eleyah right now though, that's for sure! Sorry this chapter was kinda slow, but I kinda wanted to get a moment in there between Eleyah and her mom + how Eleyah is handling the situation and how she's feeling... I think it's safe to say she's definitely not pleased about it! ;) Thanks so much for reading!! Things are def gonna be iiiiiiiinteresting in the next chapter! Gonna be getting some more of creepy Founder Marco and more trauma for Eleyah... oofda ... Hope you enjoyed! :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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