~Chapter Thirty~

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                The tendrils of smoke now stretched above the highest trees and for that I was grateful. In this way at least, Leanna had escaped the forest as her body now burned upon the table. It wouldn't be long now before the villagers would panic and Founder Marco would come see what I had done. He would shortly figure out I lived, for who else did he know of that had snuck into his home? Who else could have taken that image of him and my mother? Even if that wasn't enough for him to determine I was alive, he would find out personally tonight...

                I was ready. All I needed now was for the sun to go down and to let the panic build. Then... then I needed to move quickly. I watched as two villagers went running to the source of the smoke. Perfect. I felt my body grow stiff at the sight of Founder Marco, although the look of confusion I noticed from here was a wonderful sight to behold... oh and it would get so much better in but a few hours...

                The smoke began to thin. They must have managed to put the fire out. No matter, my message had certainly been received. Pity I could not be closer to see the horror and surprise on all their loathsome faces. Any one of them could have stepped in... any one of them could have stopped Founder Marco or challenged him... but not even Zander had bothered to rescue my little sister... my teeth ground together as my fury burned violently... painfully inside me. No one had done a thing to stop Founder Marco from taking the life of an innocent, scared little girl. My sister.

                A chill ran up my spine as my powerful anger consumed me. He had slaughtered her before the entire village... as though she were nothing but an animal... nothing more valuable than the lamb he killed in front of us some time ago. My blood boiled, the grating sound of my teeth sliding together being an outward expression of how I felt.

                For the first time in my life, I could hardly contain myself as I eagerly awaited the night to come.


                The village was silent. The stars and moon hung gracefully above. It was a peaceful moment that hardly befitted what was to be shortly unleashed.

                It was time.

                I pulled my cloak over myself, the thick dark fabrics covering the thin, creamy white of the dress I had chosen to wear for this occasion. I pulled my hair back to keep it out of my face and pulled up my hood, my hands shaking in anticipation. I stepped out into the crisp, night air and sucked in a deep, elated breath. I would unleash my own justice tonight... for tonight, Founder Marco would feel all the horrible things my mother... my sister... Damien... and I had felt. He would be shattered beneath the weight of all the hate, fear, brokenness, and rage we all had been overwhelmed by for so long.

                I took my knife from my cloak and walked into the first house, opening the first window I saw. I needed blood. I needed a lot of blood. My other hand held a repurposed milking pail that I set down quietly. I strode silently into the bedroom, my eyes falling upon the familiar couple asleep together. Judith and her husband, Johnathan... I didn't hesitate. I went to Johnathan first, my lips curling into a look of disgust as I thought how either of them could have saved Leanna... a mistake that they would pay for now. I positioned myself, knowing my movements would have to be swift and precise. I struck. My dagger sunk into the flesh of Johnathan's neck. I yanked the dagger across his neck, blood immediately coursing out from the wound and spraying onto my face. His eyes flashed open, and I froze... no sound came from him. I saw the exhale of his chest, but no inhale followed. I relaxed before jumping into action again and raced to Judith's side of the bed. I repeated the same movement, my blade slicing her neck open and again my face was coated with a spatter of blood. I dashed back to my pail and brought it to the two bodies. With immense effort, I pulled both bodies so their heads hung over the side of the bed and the blood ran in currents straight into my pail. I stood back and wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my cloak, panting from the energy I had exerted. I expected to feel guilty... to suddenly hate myself or drop to the ground in agony over what I had done... but I felt nothing like that. My hands no longer shook... on to the next house. I had work to do...

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