~Chapter Sixteen~

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           Founder Marco's eyes burned into my mind... they were all I could see... he was everywhere. No matter where I turned, I could not get away from his searing stare. The way he had looked upon me as I gave him my Daily Offering... the way he had said nothing, merely smiled sardonically as I had retreated from his platform. And now... now it was as though his eyes followed me anywhere that I moved to... they penetrated the walls... exposed me like I had been stripped of my clothing...

          ... I could not escape him.


          Slowly, I looked down at Leanna who looked annoyed more than she did worried.

          "It's time to go, Eleyah," she said, already dressed in her warm cloak.

          "Sorry... sorry..." I breathed as I reached for my own cloak. It was time... time to gather again in the village center in order for the Selection to begin. Every muscle... every hair on my body was tense... I could barely force my limbs to move... it was as though I was weighed down by some invisible object that chained my feet to the floor.

          "Please, let's just hurry and get back home," Leanna said quietly.

          "Yes... of course," I whispered, my breaths still coming out uneven and quick. Still, I could feel Founder Marco's eyes boring into me... stretching beyond my skin and into the depths of my soul... there was nowhere that was safe from him... not even the sanctuary my mind had once been... the one place I hadn't allowed him to go had now been taken over by him entirely.

           I followed Leanna out the door, her hand in mine. I wanted to scoop her up into my arms and hold her tightly. At the same time, I wanted to lock her away... to hide her from Founder Marco forever as I knew... I knew I could not protect her.

          We reached the village center all too quickly. I felt Leanna's grip on my hand loosen as attempted to let go, but I only held her hand tighter. She looked back at me, confusion evident on her face. I offered her a soft smile but could not reassure her... I had no words of comfort I could think to offer her... and I could not promise her we were safe. I felt so powerless... so pathetic and useless. Mother would be so disappointed in me and rightfully so... but what could I have done differently? Had I missed something?

          I was not oblivious to the stares of the villagers. They sent filthy glares towards me and Leanna that she thankfully remained unaware of. I pulled her in closer to me as a steady stream of villagers continued to gather. At least now though, I wasn't alone in feeling uneasy... there wasn't a single villager safe from being selected... and they knew that. It created an environment that made my skin crawl... We were but a bunch of frightened sheep, unafraid to leave one of our own behind if Founder Marco so much as pointed a finger in a single direction.

          The last light of the sun faded, casting the village in darkness. Torches were lit and shadows crawled along the houses nearby. I looked up into the night sky. The stars were beginning to appear one by one. Once again, I wished I could be free like the birds... to sprout wings big enough to carry me away... powerful enough to bring Leanna with me... I wished to be among the clouds and to fly wherever I desired... I wished to fly far above the village and the surrounding woods... to soar free and learn whether there really was no end to the forest... for if there was no end, I would simply fly forever...

          But here I was...

          ...a trembling, terrified wreck...

          Founder Marco appeared on the platform once more.

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