~Chapter Seven~

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      ****** TRIGGER WARNING ******* Some nonconsensual themes in this chapter - please read with caution!!! 


          The situation felt surreal... so horrifying and dehumanizing that it didn't feel as though it could actually be happening. I felt the lowest I had ever felt. I stood in the center of the large room... this one room that was so much larger than my entire home. It made me feel small... insignificant... exposed and vulnerable.

            A fire crackled calmly at the back of the room, an orange glow lighting up the room. I heard the door close behind me and I clutched my cloak tighter to my chest, doing my best to control how loud my shaky breathing was. Please... please let this be over quickly.

           I hated the fact Founder Marco was right...I felt as if I was a lamb... being circled by the hungry wolf. I hated it. I held my chin high despite every muscle in my body feeling tense and taut. Soft footsteps of what could only be Founder Marco coming up behind made my breathing quicken, I forced my shoulders to remain still as my chest heaved up and down. My teeth were gritted together tightly as my body went rigid.

           Then the footsteps went passed me. My eyes flashed from under the hood of my cloak to see Founder Marco approach the fireplace. He pulled a pot out that had been hung over the fire. He took a wooden ladle and began pouring what was likely water into a small cup. I watched warily. So, he intended to drag this out then...

           He rose from the fireplace and looked to me. The fire cast an unsettling glow upon his eyes... the amusement on his face practically glistening. He walked over to me, his gaze never leaving me. He extended the cup to me. "Here," his voice gentle and unassuming. "This will warm you and perhaps calm your nerves."

           I could not prevent my eyes from narrowing. Calm my nerves... that meant I was doing a poor job of hiding my discomfort... I hated giving him that satisfaction as clearly, he enjoyed my distress... but also, I hated the implication that I was to be calm in this situation... that this... that everything was normal. I wanted to surge passed him and seize that pot of boiling water to throw it into his face... to put him in a position of helplessness...

            Instead, I took the cup. I knew what was at stake here. I would not be the reason for the death of anyone I cared for. An unfamiliar aroma drifted up to my nose; it smelled of spiced herbs and berries... this wasn't just warm water. My eyes flicked back up to his.

             "My, my, Eleyah," he mused. "Would you really object to such a delicacy? Those herbs are quite difficult to get a hold of."

             I didn't quite know why... but I could almost sense that something was strange about this drink. It was simply a gut feeling, however, and I assumed my unease really had nothing to do with the drink and everything to do with why I was here. I looked at it once more. The liquid appeared dark... the light of the fire not bright enough for me to see whether it was simply poor lighting, or the liquid truly was this dark...

            I took a sip my senses flooded with the pleasant aroma and deep taste of the warm liquid. Founder Marco seemed satisfied with this and he smiled softly, that fake look of caring and sweetness upon his face immediately souring the flavor of the drink.

          "Very good," he was pleased. "Now, remove your cloak."

           My whole body seemed to suddenly be consumed in ice. I wanted to melt into the floor... to suddenly sprout wings as the birds that flew above the village and burst through the roof of this house and never return. I would have been content if the ground simply rose up to swallow me and crush me into its many layers of dirt and rock...

           ...anything but this.

           The dress that hung loosely on my skin now felt impossibly thin and revealing... the dress that had only minutes ago had me embracing my femininity and wanting to never wear anything else now felt violating... I couldn't pause or hesitate... I would comply with his orders quickly and end this night as fast as was possible. I would not allow him to enjoy my discomfort more than he already was. I would maintain as much control as I could... and try to keep my dignity intact...

            I pulled my cloak down off my head, my arms slipping out of the huge sleeves. Even Founder Marco's house was not immune to the cold and the crispness of the air was enough for me to remember just how little the dress underneath did to protect from the elements. Then, my cloak was wrapped over my arm and I stood before Founder Marco, my jaw set and a defiant look in my eyes.

            There was no expression, no emotion in Founder Marco's eyes as they slowly roamed over my body. I swallowed nervously, the violation I felt was already overwhelming. I could feel the urge to let tears well up grow and I forced my mind to focus only on the degradation of the situation and how it stirred the fire that only intensified within me. Focus on the anger... the feeling that doesn't want to make me curl up in a ball ... rather, focus on the feeling that wants me to rip his eyes from their sockets so he could never look upon me again...

           An arm extended forward. I looked down at it.

           "Let me take your cloak for you," he spoke. Again, I could not detect any distinct expression or emotion in his tone.

            I let him take my cloak and both my arms fell to my sides. I tried to ignore how the loss of my cloak made me feel that much more unprotected. Founder Marco hung my cloak over the back of a chair and returned to me. His eyes continued to roam up and down me, taking in every detail of how the dress clung to my body. He stepped forward, walking in an agonizingly slow circle around me. I could feel those penetrating eyes upon me... as though he could see beneath the fabric... as though he could see every part of me that I never dreamed of allowing him to. He came back into my field of vision; my chin still being held high.

             He smirked. "How you have grown, little lamb," he said, his tone was lower. "You have developed into a beautiful young woman, indeed." He now stood directly before me. I resisted the urge to close my eyes. I felt soft fingers under my chin as he lifted it slightly higher, so I had to stare directly into his rapacious eyes. Once satisfied I was actually looking at him and not allowing my eyes to glaze over, he once again travelled about my body with his stare. His fingers lowered, running across the smooth, pale skin of my neck. My jaw was set so tightly together, I wondered if my teeth would crack. His fingers wandered lower, dragging them impossibly slowly over my chest. He paused as his fingers left my skin to drag against the silky fabrics of the dress.

             "I recall your mother wore this dress for me once before," his voice was raspy... his words made me exhale in a gasp.

             My eyes widened and I looked up at him in horror.

            He did not look at me, his eyes were still on my body. "Your beauty far surpasses hers, little lamb," he said. "Do you know how long you have caught my attention? How often I have thought of you and having you beneath me?"

             "Please just do what you must," I blurted. I could not stand any more of this. I needed this all to be over.

            There was an evil glint in his eye. "I shall," he replied. "And I shall take my time with you, little lamb." 


Oooooh icky, icky and this is why we hate Founder Marco. Things are getting real bad for poor Eleyah... how is she going to get out of this? Is she going to? We'll have to see in the next chapter... this one was pretty intense and I can't promise the next will be more of a breather... it might be a bit worse ... :o hope you enjoyed this chapter? I mean, I kinda needed to show just how awful Founder Marco really is, so hopefully this did the trick! Thanks so much for reading!! Hoping to get the next chapter out this weekend!!! :) <3

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