Joan Jett #1 🪱🤍

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Angst Fluff

Joan and you are in the runaways. you have been arguing because you're scared the band is going to fall apart. After the argument she comes back with flowers and you talk.



"OH MY GOD! Y/n! WHY ARE YOU FUCKING FREAKING OUT" Joan Yelled at me, "BECAUSE, JOAN! THE BAND IS FUCKING FALLING APART" I yelled back, "IT'S NOT! WHY CAN'T YOU WRAP THAT AROUND YOU FUCKING HEAD" She yelled, "ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND OR SOMETHING, CAUSE IT'S REALLY OBVIOUS TO ME" I yelled, "YOU ARE SUCH A STUPID BITCH, Y/N! THE BAND IS NOT FALLING APART-" she stopped realizing what she said, the tears fill my eyes threatening to fall "get out" I said, "Y/n, I didn't mean-" I cut her off, "I said get out, you can stay with Lita for the night" I said keeping my composure, she grabbed some of her stuff and left. As soon as she left I sat on the couch and broke down in tears, remembering how Ma hit me and called me stupid for not doing the chores or getting a bad grade, fucking drunk bitch, god. Joan knew, she fucking knew and she still said it. I got up and some vodka and started downing shots, god I'm gonna turn into an acholic just like Ma if I keep this up. I found my way over to the couch and fell asleep.

Joan's POV

Fuck, I didn't mean to say that. Now here I am walking to Lita's apartment, with a bag of my stuff, god how could I be such an idiot. I get to Lita's apartment and ring the buzzer, "yeah" She said through the buzzer, "hey, can I come in, it's Joan" I said, "yeah" she unlocked the door, I walk up the stairs to her apartment, I knock on the door, I feel the tears start to brim my eyes, Lita opens the door, "what happened?" Lita asked, "I fucked up" I said feeling the tears fall, "come on" Lita says as she wraps he arm around me, she leads me to the couch in the living room, "so tell me what happened" She said sitting down next to me, "Y/n and I were in a fight about the band because she thinks it's falling apart for some reason, and in the heat of it all I called her a stupid bitch, then I realized what I had said but she said to get out before I could say anything" I explained, "Joan, you know what she's been through with her mom, you need to go back there, get her flowers, talk to her. Apologize, you know how she get's when you guys get into arguments." she said, "you're right, I need to go back" I say, I get up and say goodbye to Lita, on the way home I get Y/n's favorite flowers.


"Y/n" I hear Joan say, my eyes flicker open, "hm, Joan?" I say half asleep, "hi" she says quietly, I look at her hands... she has flowers, "Joan?" I say now fully awake feeling sorta tipsy, "Hey, hun" She says, "I love you" I say, "I love you too, you mean the world to me Y/n, I'm so sorry for what I said during the argument. I didn't mean any of it, I-" I cut her off, "It's okay love, you are forgiven, now the flowers," I say, "oh, yeah" she says handing me my favorite flowers, "Thank you love" I say, we go to the bed room and she wraps her arm around me, she kisses the back of my head, "I love you so much" she says, she spoons me on the bed, arm around me, I hold her hand and kiss it, "you're amazing, Y/n. I don't know what I would do without you." She says holding me closer. "Joan, I don't know what I would do without you, you're my rock, you keep me grounded." I say, she kisses the back of my head, I start to drift off, "I love you" she whispers, "I love you too" I say before falling asleep.

The End


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