C.21 Jam Session

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The three boys gets inside the studio room. The studio room isn't that big because the room used to be a guest bedroom that was transformed to become the studio room. The walls are covered by gray soundproof carpets. Inside the room there are multiple instruments you use for a typical band session. Amongst those instruments there are two guitars on the right side of the room, one bass on the left side of the room, a drum kit at the far back side of the room, and a keyboard on the left side of the room. Around the walls are speakers and amplifiers used for the instruments sounds.

Geordie walked to the mic that is located in the middle of the room and Chris walked to the bass that is located on the left side of the room. Revolver looked around the right side of the room where the guitars are.

"hmmm." Revolver put his palm on his chin. Chris looked over Revolver from the other side of the room, "What's wrong?" Revolver cover his mouth with his hand, "well to be honest Chris i never played electric before... i always play the acoustic." Chris nodded with an understandment, "Ohh that wouldn't be a big of a problem though, just do some rhythmic guitar stuff. Coustic or lectric, rhythmic guitar will still sound good." Revolver looked away after hearing what Chris has said, "hmm okay."

Meanwhile Geordie was yelling at the mic, "OUGHHH TEST TEST TEST, This thing is on. This thing is on." Revolver was tuning his guitar and Geordie decided to narrate his tuning, "Good day everyone in today jam session we have Sam's Cherry Revolver over here tuning his instrument! What would he tune it be? EADGBE OR DGDGBD??" Geordie mimics the voice of a race announcer.


Chris grabs the mic from Geordie, "It is eadgbe everyone!" Geordie clapped, "EADGBE! The winning tuning."


"Yoo dudes did i miss anything?" While the two celebrated Revolver's guitar tuning, Andrew finally arrived to the studio.

Geordie grabbed the mic again, "You missed the best guitar tuning action that i have ever seen!" Chris gets closer to the mic to add, "Very splendid you may say Geordie."

"Can't believe i missed the guitar tuning, that's the best part! Oh well i just drum anyway so i don't know all those melody tuning stuff anyway." Andrew scratched his head. "It's okay Andrew, i can't wait to watch your drum tuning." Chris said. "Hell yeah, love me some drum tuning instead!" Meanwhile Revolver stands at the far right trying out some chords and hearing the other talk.

"Okay what song should we play then?" Chris asked. "We should play some Black Midi!" Geordie raised both of his arms, "Nahh we gotta play something easy for the new guy. Let me think of something, what kind of songs you like Revolver?" Andrew asked.

Revolver looked up to the guys, "well... i like some emo rock." Revolver said while being shy. "Oooh he likes emo rock, i like some emo rock too!" Chris smiled, "You guys and your emotional music. For me i would always go for jazz fusion math rock like the Black Midi fellows. It itches my brain in a way i really love." Geordie brags. "Yeah some emo stuff is good. What, like My Chemical Romance?" Andrew asked, "yeah exactly, especially i've been practicing their song 'im not okay'." Revolver said.

Andrew, Chris, and Geordie looked at each other. "Yeah we can do that, it's a pretty famous MCR song too so we know how it sounds like." Chris answered. "Well i don't know this song that much so i think i'm sitting this one out." Geordie replied as he sits down at the chair at the back side of the room. "Oh, then who's gonna sing?" Chris asked. Andrew looked at Revolver, "Well it is his song so you gotta sing it Rev." Everyone looked at Revolver. "oh, i mean sure." He replied.

Revolver stepped to the middle of the room where the mic is and brings the guitar there too. Andrew counts four with his drum stick as the band begins to play.

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