C.68 Spencer Carbine

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 -The Next Day-

Revolver's father have another plan to exit the town. He's thinking of using the train to sneak out of town. The father and son packed up all their belongings and they both started riding their horse towards the train station.

"You're riding good kid. I raised you well." Revolver's dad complimenting Revolver's ability to ride a horse, "Thanks dad." Revolver smiled, "Yup, not every kid can ride a horse." His dad smirked.

Little do they know that they were being spied by Jack's intels. "They're heading to Perry Station boss." One of the intels said to Jack who's following them. "Great. Just where i want them to be." Jack said, "I heard a Lizard friend of theirs is going to follow their train. His name is Rex boss." The Intel gives additional info, "That's great. We will use that information to our advantage..."

They left their horses in front of the train station and the two went to the back part of the station where the trains are parked before driving away. They jumped inside one of the trains using the back car.

"We're in kid. We just gotta stay quiet alright, and use that revolver i gave you as protection. Remember our training okay?" Spencer advised his kid as he nods.

After a few minutes of waiting and hiding at the last car of the train. The train finally starts moving and no one noticed them hiding at the back.

 "This train is going to Kansas, and if we're save enough we'll get to Chicago and be free from everything. I already told Rex yesterday and he's following us right now with his horse. He's very reliable. Trust me, with the help of Rex, i'm sure we'll live a good life in Chicago." Carbine explained his plan to Revolver, "I can't wait for that dad. Maybe we'll find better ingredients for your sandwich too!" He's excited, "Yeah! When we're in Chicago we can have all the sandwiches in the world, we could even buy them at restaurants too!" His father told, "No, i don't wanna eat sandwiches from restaurants. I just wanna eat your sandwiches!" Revolver said, "Haha, you really are my kid."

After some few moments on the train, Spencer just overheard the guard talking about a stowaway lizard, "Ah, Rex is here. He's been spotted too. I think it's safer to meet Rex and hop off the train. I'm sure we're around Kansas right now. Hey bud, we might not get to Chicago safely but hey, Kansas is way better than our old town anyway yeah?" Rev's father tried to convince him. "It's okay dad, told you i don't care about where we are. Wherever we go, it always feels like home when you're around." Revolver smiled.

They walked through each car slowly and carefully until they found Rex. They heard the ruckus not far from the car they were in so they weren't expecting to go far from where they are.

But after walking through few cars, they were shocked at finding what's on the other side. "FREEZE!"  The car that they walked into was heavily guarded and is full of guards with guns.

Spencer pulls out his weapon to get ready to defend them. "Yall arent the train guards. You guys are Jack's body guards!"

The energy on that train was intense. This car wasn't the only place that is filled with Jack's body guards. The entire train is filled by them, it was rigged from the start by Jack

"FIRE!!" One of the guards yelled before a rain of bullets fires towards the two.

Revolver's dad was in front of him at the time so before they ran away, he took some hits from the bullet.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

The hyenas ran away from the rain of bullets.

They made it to an open car where they found Rex riding a two horse carriage on the side of the train. "Hey! Come on Jump!" Rex signaling the two hyenas. "Rex? I thought you were in the train?" Spencer asked, "No! I was never in the train! It was a trap!"


While the two talked in the midst of the chaos, Spencer just got shot again on the side of his chest, "ugh." "Dad!" Revolver grabs his wounded dad. "Bingo!" The person that shot Revolver's dad is Jack himself wanting a piece of the chaos, "Another kill in my scoreboard. Another rodent sent to hell!" Jack taunts them, Revolver can only stare at him in anger as he goes to the outside balcony.

*pew* *pew* *pew*

Despite Revolver's body being small compared to his dad, the adrenaline made him strong enough to jump into Rex's horse carriage while holding his wounded dad.


They landed safely in the carriage. 

"Hey kid, there's a Rifle at the back. Use it to get those pests away from us!" Rex commands.

Revolver was too worried for his dad to not hear Rex's commands.

*pew* *pew*


He snapped out of it and grabbed the rifle.

Remembering all the practice he did with his dad. He lands a few fatal shots against the guards who are shooting at them.



"Retreat! Retreat!"

Now that the guards are gone, Rex took a turn away from the train tracks and into a dry desert land.

The horse slows down it's movements knowing they're not in danger anymore.

Revolver is checking on his dad, he had been shot 3 times. One at the arm, one near the stomach, and one fatally on the side of his chest. He's having a hard time to breath.

"Dad... dad... are you okay?" Revolver asked as he gets teary eyed.

Rex can only look from the front, seeing the tragic scene happening at the back.

His dad holds Revolver's palm. 



Revolver's tears starts to go down his face.

"I was too dangerous to take care of you... *cough* i know you won't be safe with me."

"no... no... it wasn't your fault-"

"No. It was my fault. I was the one being reckless and here we are. *cough* I know they will track you down. I gave you a name, Sam Colt. That was your name, for now you need to hide your identity just like mine. *cough*"

He reached his hand and pet his son.
"For now on, your name is Revolver. Named after the first gun i ever taught you, hope you remember how proud i am..."


"I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry Revolver..."

His hands become weak as he passed away.

-Spencer Carbine, real name Lahai Colt. Passed away-


Revolver can only cry as he hug his lifeless dad, knowing he won't come back.

26 May 2024

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